First Impressions Last: 7 Ways to Impress Someone

People have their own reason why they make an effort to impress someone. Every perfume and piece of clothing they wear and every place they go, they want to feel they belong. Whether it’s their boss, a prospective client, a love interest or even their own kin, it’s human nature to please someone and seek acceptance in return.

So if you want to please someone, how about showing off and leaving a good impression? Here are 7 ways to do just that:

1. Impress with your wits. A lot of people find it difficult to cope with their struggles in life. Sometimes, it takes a stranger’s own account to learn the lessons in life. Be bold to recognize people who need help – not with money but with your words and time. Find ways to impress people with the goodness of sharing a difficult experience and telling how you survived.

2. Impress with your beauty. Sometimes, people just need to be reminded that there’s something good out there. Spray your perfume and wear your perfect smile. Being kind to somebody is what most people need in this harsh world.

3. Impress by being down to earth. In job interviews, employers not only assess your skills but your limitations as well. Stop being a know-it-all but instead admit your shortcomings. Being humble will take you a long way and will open doors for you. If Java is your waterloo, your prospective employer might send you to a free programming language training. Just be honest.

4. Impress with your strength. Strength is not all about physical power but showing strength means being able to control what can damage other people. Instead of spitting verbal accusations with the same verbal aggression, bite your tongue and take the higher road. Not all people have high emotional quotient so be proud you have an elite EQ.

5. Impress with your wealth. Showing off your wealth doesn’t need to be all material things like designer handbags or expensive jewelry. Offering financial support gets you a long way. Give an extra tip to the tour guide who’s making sure you’re enjoying your vacation. Support an organization. Learn to give alms.

6. Impress with your achievement. Your academic achievements can impress your future boss for employing someone who’s part of the cream of the crop. At the same time, inspiring people to finish their studies is another thing and it’s one lasting impression you’ll be proud of. Celebrate a successful life by teaching people how you’ve achieved your goals with hard work.

7. Impress with your investments. You not only invest on money and properties but you also invest in people. Show off plenty of good relationships you’ve built over the years. After all, these people will help build your image if you’ve been good to them.

We also want to give a lasting impression on you! The new month just kicked in and Beauty Encounter just knows how to show off a little giveaway here and there. Like their Facebook page and look for Beauty Encounter’s giveaway this October. You might just win Christian Dior perfumes – for free!


  1. Impressing someone may not be my expertise but thanks for these useful tips. I’ll surely give a try especially using my strengths. My strengths for being positive. 🙂

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