The Hassle-Free Guide To Healthy Living: Steps To Take Today

We often read and hear about healthy living, and sometimes, it can seem like you have to overhaul your lifestyle and live your life according to a regimented routine to shape up and reduce the risk of illnesses and injuries. The truth is that making healthy choices doesn’t have to be challenging, and you don’t have to adopt a completely different lifestyle. If you’re keen to put your health first, making simple changes can have an incredibly positive impact. Here are some hassle-free steps you can take today.


Aim to be more active

Did you know that inactivity can be even more harmful than smoking and drinking excessively? Living a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, so it’s hugely beneficial to try and be more active. You don’t need to spend your life in the gym to get fit, and if you’re not used to exercise, it’s wise to increase activity levels gradually. Walk or cycle to work, stretch your legs in the evenings, take an exercise class a few times a week or join a tennis, hockey, soccer or golf club. Work out at home, hire a personal trainer, or get together with friends to try a dance class or go for a jog on the beach. Ideally, you should aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Being active will improve your physical health, but you should also notice that it makes you feel amazing. 

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Look after your ears, eyes, and teeth

We often take our eyesight and hearing for granted until they start to fade. There are steps you can take now to protect your eyesight and your hearing, and it’s important to arrange regular checks. If you haven’t had your sight or your hearing tested for a long time, make an appointment today. It’s particularly beneficial to seek expert advice if you’ve noticed that you’re straining to read signs or you’re having to turn the volume up on the TV or radio, for example. Hearing loss often occurs gradually, and seeing a hearing healthcare provider can help to identify problems before they get worse. If your hearing is going downhill, there are options. You could get a hearing device, for example. As well as looking after your eyes and ears, it’s also crucial to be mindful of your dental health. Oral health is linked to general health. Seeing a dentist every 6-12 months can reduce the risk of decay and gum disease dramatically. 

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Pay more attention to what you eat

We often think of healthy eating as a strict diet, but you don’t have to follow a plan or eliminate every single food you love from your diet to improve your health. Focus on nutrition and make healthy choices. Cut down on processed foods and items that are high in saturated and trans fats, and make sure you get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Good sources of essential fats include oily fish, nuts, seeds, and avocados. There’s nothing wrong with a treat now and again, so try not to deprive yourself. If you’ve banned pizza, for example, you’ll probably end up craving it all the time. Eat indulgent foods in moderation. 

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If you’re looking to improve your health without making drastic changes, this is the guide for you. These simple steps will have a positive impact immediately. 

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