Give Your Pooch The Star Treatment

For many of us, our dogs are like an extra member of the family. They’re so important to us that we just want to pamper them every day and make them feel special.


We’re not alone in this desire either: dozens of celebrities the world over love their dogs to death, and would do anything for them. Zac Efron, Ryan Gosling, and Adam Levine have all rather publicly stated their undying devotion to their four-legged friends.


But what does giving your pooch the star treatment really mean? Take a look at some of the ways you can pamper your dog every day.


Give Them A Variety Of Treats

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They say that variety is the spice of life. And for dogs, that really is the case. Many owners will buy the same treat from the pet store, week after week. But dogs can get bored of the same “treats” if fed them ad infinitum. Try spicing things up a bit by finding new treats for them to enjoy: food that will help them stay in shape and remain healthy, but can also be enjoyed from time to time.


Take Your Dog On An Adventure


Dogs hate being left by themselves at home. They have an inbuilt need for human company – after all, they are pack animals. But sometimes owners can’t take their dogs with them on adventures: their dogs either lack stamina or can be badly behaved. Products like the K9 Sport Sack offer a potential solution. They allow owners to carry their dogs on their backs in a rucksack, allowing them to enjoy the scenery without the associated effort.


Introduce Your Dog To Playmates


Dogs love playing together (usually). And so what better than setting up a playdate with other dogs? The great thing about playdates is that they can be held anywhere: at the local park, in the backyard, or at a dog-friendly cafe. You can enjoy your time too, by meeting up with fellow owners and enjoying a coffee or a bite to eat.


Keep Their Minds Active With Toys


Dogs are among the smartest animals (although you wouldn’t think it sometimes). And, as a consequence, they need a lot of mental stimulation. Some breeds are more demanding than others. Border collies, for instance, are among the smartest and require a constant challenge.


Dog toy manufacturers have cottoned onto this fact and now make lots of toys for smart dogs. One particularly innovative product is the automatic “play fetch” machine. All you need to do is train your dog to replace the ball in the basket, and the device will automatically throw it out again for the dog to catch.


Give Your Dog A Makeover



If you really want to give your pooch the star treatment, you’ll need to check her into a dog spa. At the dog spa, she’ll be transformed from stinky mut to sparkling pooch. She will have her teeth thoroughly cleaned, her coat groomed, and any dirt removed from her fur. Just make sure that if you do it yourself that you use dog-friendly products that won’t damage their sensitive skin.


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