5 Ways To Spot The Signs Of A Midlife Crisis

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It’s no secret that women facing a little bit of a challenging time somewhere between their 40s and 50s. In fact, it’s been so well documented since the 1960s we think it is safe to class the so-called “midlife crisis” a common cliche and one that draws a chorus of eye-rolling, light sighing and even the occasional sarcastic snigger. Some have even suggested we go looking for the midlife crisis instead of just waiting for it to crop into our lives, making it a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Whatever the case, it is real. The midlife crisis is legit. It is something we women can experience at numerous stages throughout our lives, especially during those transitional times in our lives that would be enough to make even the most steadfast and cocksure chick quake a bit – we’ve just happened to slap the title “midlife crisis” onto it.


Anyway, a great way to navigate these bumpy bits in the road is to pot the possible warning sides en route, and to help you with this we’ve pulled together a list of sirens to listen out for on your way to middleagedom.


  1. Deep Question Become Commonplace

After half a life of doing this and that and leading the life you have, there is a tendency to suddenly question how you have gotten to where you are and ponder whether you are on the tracks you wanted to be on or whether life has steered you down a road you had no intention of going down. Ever. It’s that feeling of being ill-fitted for the life you have. It’s the comparison no one talks about – where you wanted to be versus where you are. However, it can be a blessing in disguise. It can help you make the changes you have been secretly craving and unleash that curiosity that boosts vitality.


  1. You’re Enjoying Impulsive Decisions

Don’t get us wrong, we absolutely love anyone that celebrates the privilege of spontaneity. It’s what life should be about. It’s that notion of being able to give into the little moments of madness. But that’s the operative word – sometimes your impulses are nothing but madness. It could be that you want more thrills in your life so you buy a classic motorcycle or your marriage is nowhere near as romantic or intimate as you had hoped it would be or your job fails to fulfil you in any way whatsoever. Whatever it is, going along with an impulsive decision like this might not lead you down the road you really want to go down. Getting a classic motorcycle could lead you to get a free consultation with a firm like this, leaving your marriage may have some long-term ramifications and quitting your job could take the world out from under your feet. Essentially, rash decisions can be a way of avoiding reality more than anything.


  1. Am I Going Crazy?

There are so many ways a woman can feel like she is going crazy, which is backed up by the amount of times women have stepped onto a therapist’s couch and said the words, “I feel like I’m going mad,” a number that currently stands at 176689033455672. However, this may be less about you actually going crazy under the stresses of life and more to do with a decrease in your estrogen levels. That’s what could be to blame for your sudden personality shift and all the fallout that comes with that. The worst thing is, this can start to happen up to a decade before you reach your M-years. Oh, and if you’re not sure what menopause actually is, it’s technically defined as a year without a period. That’s going to mess with you big time and, yeah, make you think you’re going crazy – aka going through the midlife crisis. We know this sounds dreadful and like a big bag of bad news, but there is some good news: you can speak to a physician if you think your changes are really, really significant and really messing with you. Mmmm. Nothing like a good old solution.


  1. You’ve Started To Really Care About Your Looks

Everyone wants to look and feel their best, it’s only natural (especially in this magazine and Instagram obsessed world). However, there’s a difference between wanting to look nice and staring at a vanity mirror for three days at a time to make a note of every single wrinkle and line. That’s when you might need to accept you’re in a crisis, especially if you find yourself going to some pretty extreme lengths to find the answer to youthful looks. The problem is, this obsession can ruin the very thing they are trying to obtain. Have you ever walked into someone’s house and spotted a fake plant that is just too perfect to be true – too green and blemish free – well, the same applies here. It is a fear of losing your look’s and it’s common, but it’s also a result of propaganda. The thing you’ve gotta do is accept that rocking your age is the new way to look great. It’s better to look amazing for your age than to look dreadful for the age you are trying to look. It is as simple as that.


  1. Every Day Is A Reminder Of Your Crisis

What if the midlife crisis wasn’t even a thing? What if it was just a misjudged term made up in 1965 because there was no other logical explanation and so a label was made up to make bad days seem more important than they actually are? This may surprise you, but there is no scientific study that supports the notion all happiness goes up in a puff of smoke the day after your 40th birthday. Instead, it’s just a time where you know who you are and what you want more than you did when you were in your late-teens and twenties. You know which people you want in your life, the places you like most and the things that will bring you real joy. It’s a shift in attitude and one that is really empowering so, if you ask us, we say you grab these feeling by the horns and go with it.


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