5 Steps To Weatherproof Your House

We all like to take pride in our homes. After all, they should be a safe, comfortable haven for you and your family. Throughout my blog, you’ll see all sorts of useful information on making your house feel like a home. However, one of the things that can ruin your property every single year is the weather. That’s right, Mother Nature takes a big toll on our homes. With battering winds and rain throughout the winter, and dry, hot nights through the summer, our homes stand up to a lot. In this post, I’ll show you how to keep the weather out, and make sure it doesn’t ruin your home.


  1. Double glazing – This is one of the most effective upgrades you can make for your home. Double glazing provides extra protection against the beating rains, and keeps the house warm. In fact, you can drastically lower your heating bills by installing double glazing. The savings you make in the long term quickly outweigh the upfront cost of installation too. It acts as an additional layer of insulation, keeping you nice and toasty during the cold winters.


  1. Fix the plumbing and pipes – The changing temperatures around the year wreak havoc on your plumbing and pipes. In the winter, water can freeze and expand, forcing the pipes to weaken. In the summer, the warmth will force them to contract. This process will gradually cause cracks to appear, which might lead to leaks in the house. You can avoid this problem by inspecting the pipes regularly. Once a year (before the winter) check the pipes for cracks. If you’re not sure how to do this, visit http://landlords.about.com/ to find out. If you leave the house over the winter, set the heating on a timer, so water doesn’t have chance to freeze.


  1. Secure gaps around the home – During the winter, the cold weather and winds can penetrate the house. It makes its way in through the smallest of gaps, leaving the entire house feeling cold. It’s a drain on your heating bill, and sure to make you shiver. What you can do is use caulk and chinking to close up the gaps. It’s particularly important for wooden houses. If you’re worried about weather penetration, visit http://mountainhomebuildingproducts.com/chinking-and-sealants/.


  1. Check your roof tiles – As you can imagine, your roof bears the biggest impact of the weather. It is constantly bombarded by rain and winds, so it’s only natural that it begins to weaken. You might notice that roof tiles begin to come loose or the roof itself is sagging. These are signs that the structure is beginning to weaken. You can help weatherproof it by replacing missing or displaced tiles. If you’re particularly worries, you may want to reinforce the structural beams underneath too.


  1. Check your water heater – Last of all, don’t forget to check your water heater for faults. If you want to stay warm during the cold months, your boiler or heater needs to keep you going. No matter what the weather does, you’ll stay warm and toasty!


Thanks for reading, folks. Don’t forget to check out my other DIY and home posts before you go!



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