What You Need To Know About The Most Common Household Pests

As far as you know, you share your house with your family. That could be just you and your partner, or you might have children as well. But chances are, you’d be pretty unlikely to invite complete strangers into your home. However, in reality, you could be sharing your home with millions. Pests accommodate nearly every household in the world, to varying degrees. Even the cleanest home will not be entirely free of pests. But there are things you can do to minimise the amount of pests who make their home in your property.


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Bed bugs

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite‘. But what has become an innocent goodnight message actually speaks a fair amount of truth. Bed bugs are common household pests which live in furniture, picture frames, mattress seams and yes, bedsheets. You can pick them up pretty much anywhere, but common places are hotels and gym changing rooms. They are experts at hopping from person to person and you won’t necessarily feel them on you. If you suspect you may have a bed bug infestation, there are a number of things you can do. First, check all your bedding and sofas meticulously. Although usually tiny, adult bed bugs can grow to about the size of an apple seed, so you may be able to see them. Wash any materials you deem infested on the highest heat possible and if the problem, persists, call in a professional.


Termites are ancient insects that have been around since the era of the dinosaurs. There are many different types of termite, who cause about $5billion in property damage every year. So, they are not exactly welcome guests within the home. Common house termites are dampwood termites and drywood termites. As their names suggest, they feed on different types of wood. Known as ‘silent destroyers’, they are able to chew easily through huge pieces of wood and wall without you noticing – until it’s too late that is. Termites are not dangerous and don’t tend to carry diseases, so you don’t need to worry about getting ill. They can, however, pose a serious threat to the structure and safety of your home. Carry out a termite inspection if you fear you may have an infestation.


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Contrary to popular belief, earwigs do not burrow inside people’s ears whilst they sleep. There is no recorded scientific evidence to say that they do this, or have ever done this. However, many people are scared of them due to the large pincers they have on the back of their abdomens. They use these pincers for catching their prey and for fighting with other, rival earwigs. Earwigs are predominantly active at night and live outside for most of their lives, in burrows in the ground. They will only move into a home if food is scarce outdoors or if there is a severe change in the weather conditions. In order to keep earwigs out of your house, ensure that all your doors and windows fit securely and install a dehumidifier.

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