Want An Eco Friendly Home Here’s How

When we speak of creating an eco-friendly home, we often think about big changes and having to completely redesign our whole home. In fact, it doesn’t take quite so much effort. You only need to implement a few simple changes to feel all the benefits of a greener household. Not only will you be doing your bit to save the planet, but you will soon notice a stark reduction in your bills! And implementing these changes isn’t going to cost you the whole world. Even if your house has been standing for a century or two, you can still go green. This isn’t just a venture for new builds!

Want An Eco-Friendly Home Here's How



Ready to make a difference? Here’s how to turn your home eco-friendly.


Insulate Your Loft


Heat rises. That means your house will be losing a lot of its heat through the roof. It makes sense, then, to insulate your loft space efficiently. Getting your loft insulated may seem quite expensive at first as it will set you back a couple of hundred bucks. You’ll soon realise how much money it saves you once you see how your energy bills drop! You should also check your windows and doors. If they are old and poorly insulated, they will be letting a lot of heat escape. This will then increase your energy consumption.


Choose local workmen


This tip involves some thinking out of the box, but, when you think about it, it is another step in making your home so much greener. Whenever you need some work or maintenance in your home, shop around for a builder who lives nearby. Do your drains need cleaning? Hire a local Eco-Friendly Drain Cleaning service. They may charge slightly more than someone further away, but you’ll be reducing your household’s carbon footprint. You’ll also be doing your bit for the environment by reducing their travel distance. If you are on a budget, not only will doing a spot of DIY help you save money, but it eliminates any carbon footprint from getting builders in!

Want An Eco Friendly Home - Here's How



Water-based paints


Water-based paints offer a very eco-friendly way to decorate your house. It’s less toxic and, therefore, safer for your family and the environment. Not only that but pigments used in these kinds of paints are often brighter, meaning the color will be much more vibrant than in solvent paints!


Install solar panels


Solar energy is a renewable form of clean energy, perfect for powering an environmentally friendly house. If you live in a location that gets a lot of sunshine, you’ll be able to harness the sun’s natural power for energy. Install solar panels on your roof and on any walls that face the sun, and the solar rays will be converted into electricity. This is another fantastic way to bring down your energy consumption. Get in touch with your local authority if you like the idea of adapting your house to solar power. There are many tax breaks and grants available for those that do.


Get rid of single glazing


To prevent any drafts and to keep as much heat in your house as possible, swap any single-glazed windows for double glazing. Even if your house is super old, this is something you should consider. You will soon see a big difference. Your heating bills will dramatically reduce, and you will start to notice just how warm your home can be without any heating on at all! If you are worried about ugly double glazing, shop around at different manufacturers until you find your ideal style. Wood frames are not only more aesthetically pleasing, but they are also much easier to repair than metal or UPVC.


Service your boiler


Regular boiler services can help it to work at its most efficient. It’s also wise to change your boiler model every ten years. This is because new types are constantly coming out onto the market. They’re often loads more efficient and environmentally friendly than older ones.




Use energy saving light bulbs


Not only do energy saving light bulbs last much longer, but they also use less energy. You will find that they are extremely efficient, especially when compared to the old-style filament bulbs. Energy saving bulbs once had a reputation for being unattractive, however now you can find some very stylish ones in many DIY shops.


Purchase an eco kettle


Kettles are probably one of our most-used appliances. I know I certainly boil mine numerous times a day! Most of us will overfill our kettles, which can be a waste of water and energy. To help solve this, buy an eco kettle! Now, instead of boiling enough water for six cups when you only one cup’s worth, you will never overfill the kettle! These smart kettles will cut down the amount of energy you use and, therefore, reduce your bills.


Was your clothes at lower temperatures.


Next time you go to the supermarket, have a look for biological washing powders. The active ingredient in these powders is special enzymes. The enzymes naturally clean your clothes, but only at low temperatures. If you set your machine at too high a temperature, then the enzymes will be killed off. A lower water temperature in your machines means less energy is used. Ultimately, lower energy bills!




Split your rubbish into separate bins. Food waste can be used as compost out in the garden. Cardboard, tins, and glass can all go to your local recycling center. You’ll be surprised at how much waste you can save and reuse or recycle. And rather than throwing out old furniture, you can always try and save parts to use as other things. Why not try out upcycling, and see if you can repurpose any old appliances and furniture.


So now you know all the different ways to achieve a greener home. And this is only the beginning, there are plenty more steps you can take to improve your carbon rating and eco-friendliness. Not only will the environment appreciate it, but your bank balance will thank you too!


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