Tired of Tripping Over Everything? Time to Make Your Home More Spacious

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So, you’ve gotten to that stage where you have too much stuff in your home. Many rooms are feeling cramped and claustrophobic. Perhaps you’re even tripping over things in some rooms. When you reach this stage, it’s time to make the home more spacious.

You need to come up with ideas to create room, so you make your living arrangements more comfortable. First of all you’ll need to have a clear out, and then you can start going through these methods. Try to use as many as you can for maximum impact.

Sell Unwanted Items

Okay, if you’re sick of the site of all the possessions you’ve got you need to think about getting rid of them. Now, you’ve already had a clear out of the junk, but there may be some items you don’t want to throw away. There will be some things you can sell for extra cash. So you need to make sure you identify what those are. Then it’s time to figure out where you’re going to sell them – somewhere like eBay is likely to be your best bet.

Create Extra Storage

You’ll be surprised what you can do around the home to create extra storage facilities. It’s just a matter of applying yourself, and thinking outside the box a bit. For instance, you might have space under the beds or the sofa. Use this space to store things from the rooms in question. There are other things you might want to think about doing too. For example, you might put hooks up in the kitchen. This way you’ll be able to hang pots and pans, and utensils.

Rearrange the Garage

The garage is the one part of the home that often suffers from this. It’s often used as the storage cupboard to place unwanted or excess items. Well, this is all well and good, but that stuff soon dominates the garage floor and walls. If you want to come up with a space-saving alternative, you should go for a custom garage. You can get hanging cabinets and storage spaces that allow you to stash all the stuff in there as normal. They will help to keep the floor of the garage free. You’ll save yourself a lot more room by doing this.

Go Open Plan

One of the best and most effective ways to create space in the home is to go for an open plan design. See, regular rooms can feel too enclosed and boxed in. By going with an open plan, you make the rooms more spacious, bright and inviting. They become much more practical because there is so much more space. Think about the benefits of an open plan kitchen and living room. It makes the place look gigantic and attractive.

We are a generation of hoarders, and this shows no signs of changing. There are so many things that we accrue that we don’t even need these days. A lot of people struggle with not having enough room in their homes. If you are one of these people, it’s time you took action to change that.   

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