Tips For Making Moving As Stress Free As Possible

Let’s be honest about it, moving house is one of the most stressful tasks you will have to deal with. Unless you are a minimalist, packing up every last item in your home can be incredibly stressful.


The key to moving day success is organization. If you are organized, you can make moving house a lot easier for yourself. If you manage to remain organized and in control throughout the move, you should find it less overwhelming.

 Tips For Making Moving As Stress Free As Possible

Picture from Flickr


To help you avoid the chaos that comes with moving house, here are a few useful tips:


Don’t leave anything until the last minute


As soon as your moving date is set, get organized. If you leave things until the last minute, you will find moving house twice as stressful, so it’s important to be organized. You might work full-time or have children to take care of, but you will have at least a month to get packed up and ready.


Start off by creating a to-do list, this should contain everything that you need to do before moving day. Aim to tick off at least two things each day, then by the time it gets to the big day, everything should be sorted.


Organize transport


At the top of your to-do list should be organizing the transport for moving day, as this is important. If you are only moving down the road, then you might be able to transport all your items in your car. However, if you are moving a little further afield, you will probably need to hire a removal van.


You can look at self-drive van hire, or you can hire a removal company to transport everything for you. If you have lots of heavy boxes, it’s probably best to hire removal men to help you move.




Over the years you have probably built up quite a collection of junk, so before you start packing everything up, get rid of any clutter. Spend a couple of days sorting through everything and choosing what to get rid of.


It might be a time-consuming task, but throwing out anything that you don’t want will make your move much easier. You will have fewer boxes to pack and then once you arrive at your new home, you won’t have to worry about clutter.


Color code each box


Don’t make the mistake of throwing everything into random boxes, pack up each room separately. Once you have packed each box, use a marker pen or sticker to color code it.


Assign one color to each room in your new house and label boxes so that you know which room they need to go in. That way when you arrive at your new home, you will find unpacking much easier, as each box will be in the correct room.


Moving house will always be stressful, and that’s normal, after all, moving somewhere new is a big deal. That being said, there are ways you can reduce the amount of stress that comes with moving, many of which have been mentioned here.


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