Tips for Getting Your Home Off the Market Fast

Is your family getting bigger and outgrowing your current space? Or is your family getting smaller, as they go off to college or to start families on your own? Whatever the case, when you’re ready to sell, you don’t want to have to wait months or even years before someone purchases.


When you plan on putting your home on the market, there are several things you need to tend to beforehand. By following best selling practices, you can get your sold at a better price and a quicker pace. Here are a few tips for getting your home off the market fast:


Paint Your House

You’d be surprised at how effective a fresh coat of paint can be. Once you’ve re-painted your house, it will have a much more refined “brand new” appearance to it that can really go far with potential buyers. When choosing your colors, it’s best to stay neutral and stray away from excess creativity. This way, you’ll appeal to a wide variety of buyer tastes. Painting your ceilings a lighter color than your walls will help the room appear bigger.


It’s best to enlist the services of a professional company to paint your house. Professional painters know how to prepare your walls and exterior areas for long-lasting wear, and can work around delicate areas. They’ll also get it done quickly without compromising a level of high quality, and best of all, can clean up quickly after themselves when the job is done.


Use a Staging Service

A staging company can help you stage your home for the sale. These staging companies know what it takes to accessorize and jazz up your home in a manner that’s most attractive to buyers. According to the Real Estate Staging Association, homes that are strategically staged sell 73% faster than those that are not. The truth is, a properly staged home can fully capture the emotion of potential buyers because they can better picture themselves living in your space.


In fact, 81% of buyers in one survey stated that home staging allows them to better visualize the property as their future home, while 45% of buyers say agreed that staging would positively impact the value of the home if it is decorated to the buyer’s tastes.


A professional staging company will rearrange your furniture to optimize space and use tricks to make a home feel much larger. They’ll also highlight your selling features to help maximize potential, and will create a lived-in “homey” aesthetic that many buyers find attractive. These services also have access to rental furniture and decor, so you won’t have to invest in purchasing new items to make your home look better.


Get a Great Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent can do wonders for getting your home off the market. For instance, they can help you price your home properly. Many sellers who choose to put their home on the market for sale by owner make major mistakes when it comes to pricing. Pricing too high can deter willing buyers who may have been interested otherwise, and pricing too low can set off red flags for potential buyers who might wonder if there’s a “catch.”


They’ll also conduct a thorough analysis of your home to determine an accurate value assessment and will research historical sales trends to settle on a final number that’s priced to sell. And lastly, they can help your understand complicated legal real estate jargon and ensure you stay protected throughout the seller/buyer process.


Host an Awesome Open House

With a great open house, you can truly leverage your home’s potential. First and foremost, your agent can really help you make the most of your open house. This is because they can market it properly with the appropriate signage, and have access to a roster of potential buyers and other connections.


There are many benefits to hosting open houses. One of the biggest benefits is that you’ll be able to talk to multiple prospects at once. And because of this, those prospects will see how many other people are interested in the property, which might encourage them to get the ball rolling. It also allows potential buyers to feel more comfortable and independent walking around, without the pressure of viewing a home on their own, where they are more likely to be hyper-aware of your presence.


Here are a few open house preparation tips to keep in mind:


Clear all cars from the driveway to make room for incoming guests
Open all your windows and drapes to allow the light to stream in; you want your space to be as bright as possible
Serve refreshments and snacks (stay away from foods that have strong odors—here are a few great food options for open houses)
Stay away from air fresheners and use natural scents instead; many people are allergic to synthetic odors
Interact with your visitors without being too fussy


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