Tips for Cleaning Your Upholstery

Tips for Cleaning Your UpholsteryKeeping upholstery clean can be a tough job, particularly because these furnishings are used so regularly that they tend to be prone to accidental spills. Just one stain on a sofa can leave it looking discolored, which is why it’s best to have a plethora of cleaning tips in hand to use in every type of cleaning emergency if you are going to do it yourself otherwise you should always seek a professional upholstery cleaning service.

3 Considerations Before You Clean

While a person’s first instinct might be to tackle any type of stain with a wet cloth, this could be the worst thing to do. Before making the decision to clean a piece of furniture, it’s important to consider three things; the fabric, the size and area in which the stain is located and the type of stain a person is dealing with. Keep in mind that the more a person knows about the stain, the easier it will be to remove.

Synthetic fabrics tend to be more resilient, so they can withstand home cleaning. It is usually best to start out with a patch test. Doing this, will determine whether the cleaning agent being used is gentle enough not to harm the fabric but strong enough to get the job done. Only consider doing the clean yourself if the furniture has less than 50% cotton, otherwise, professionals probably need to be called in to get the job done right with damaging the upholstery.

Using the right cleaning products is the next thing that a person needs to keep in mind. Water is not a great product to use on furniture; rather turn to upholstery sprays and combinations of organic cleaners that use very small amounts of water to get the job done. If it is necessary to use water, limit the amount that is used to protect the furniture.

React Quickly

As with just about any stain, reacting quickly to a spill will often yield the best results. When a spill does happen, start out by rubbing the area with table salt, since this prevents the stain from setting. Paper towels can then be used to absorb excess liquid, after which a person will need to use the right stain remover to get rid of the rest.

Natural Cleaning Products

It is often the natural cleaning products that can be found in your home that work best on stains. For instance, vinegar is very well known for removing coffee and tea stains, and all it takes is mixing in one teaspoon with about a quart of water. Spraying this mixture onto the stain will help to bring it out. Baking soda is another popular stain removal method; all it takes is for people to rub a bit of the product onto a wet cloth and apply it to the stain. Never use any products that contain bleach to clean furniture, particularly if the material is dyed, otherwise the product could end up bleaching patches of the furniture white; something that is permanent, unlike many stains. For more stubborn blemishes, it’s recommended to hire a professional.

Get To Know Your Stains

The best way for a person to keep their furniture clean is to get to know the various methods that they can use to tackle different types of stains. In order for a person to remove a butter stain, for instance, they will generally require a different approach when compared with a wine stain. The removal of butter stains usually requires that a person uses a dry solvent for cleaning, and it’s best to blot the stain, rather than rub it. Wine, on the other hand, necessitates the use of a spot carpet cleaner, but not before the excess is blotted up and salt is added to keep the stain from setting.

BBCS might have been established in 2006, but it came about after 20 years of experience within the cleaning industry. The company is proud to boast the highest quality service at greatly competitive rates, allowing the business the opportunity to grow rapidly into Australia’s premium cleaning service.

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