Threads and Cords for Macramé and Laddering

Threads and Cords for Macramé and Laddering


With so many threads and cords on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose; what thread or cord to use for what and when and even knowing what the difference is between a thread and a cord! (A thread is made up of fibers that are twisted and a cord is made of fibers that are woven together.) We hope our Stitchionary sheds light on this fascinating topic as you journey into the world of macramé and laddering. Below is a photo-chart comparing each visually using both a square knot and spiral knot. Please Note: Chinese Knotting Cord is not interchangeable with other cords in projects which call for Chinese Knotting Cord.

Read more on the different threads and knots available at Beadshop!

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