Things You Should be Cleaning but Aren’t

People sometimes just don’t bother cleaning themselves, let alone the house. In daily our lives, most of us starts with brushing and cleaning the teeth, then ironing the clothes before we go to work or school. There are certain things that we use regularly every day. Therefore, it is very important to keep and maintain these things hygienic. Below are some of the things you should be cleaning but are not;

Vacuum Cleaner

As we all know that vacuum cleaner is one of the most essential electric appliances to clean the home, and it must be properly cleaned. It does not need very much attention, but simple maintenance to keep it working and cleaning it periodically is necessary. Maintaining the vacuum cleaner can also head off more costly replacement or repair. In order to clean it, check the bag and replace it when it is full. Clean the brush roll and empty the tray or bin regularly. Additionally, you should check the hoses for obstructions and clogs and remove the large accumulations of debris from air passages.

Pillows and bed sheets

Pillow and bed sheets are not just packed with the comfort feathers, but they can also be the home to several types of inflaming fungi. In addition, all those hours spent; sweating and drooling like a child creates another potential allergy trigger. One way to make sure your pillows and bed sheets clean from germs is simply to laundry them regularly, and by regularly, I don’t mean college students standard of regularly (6 months), but more in the lines of every 1 or 2 weeks. Anti allergic covers also can help you too.

Tooth brushes

Flushing the toilet can spew out the bathroom-related bacteria into air. Therefore, it is advised to store toothbrush far away from the potential contaminants. Make sure to rinse the toothbrushes thoroughly before they are being used, let them dry completely and replace it in every three to four months. For those who were recently ill, you might wanna check where you place your tooth brushes.


It is very easy for germs to get trapped in the crevasses of sponges and creating ideal circumstances from them to breed. In order to get rid of this problem you should try antibacterial sponges and dish soaps to limit the ill effects of bacteria evils. Be cautious by disinfecting the sponges once in a week by soaking in a bleach solution.

TV Remote

TV remote controls are three times dirtier than anything else in the living room. Think about it, how many people use it, how many people have touched it. You have no idea what they just touched, right? Hence, it is recommended to wipe down the remote control with any hard surface disinfectant or a handy antibacterial every 2 weeks or so.


Everyone uses mobile phones these days. How many of you went to the toilet and didn’t wash your hands and they went a head and touch your phone? How many of you take public transports? Yes, that’s right, it will keep you thinking for a while. So keep it clean as it’s actually very simple to do; you can power down the device once in a week and wipe it with the disinfectant cloth.

David Keller is a home improvement enthusiast. He likes to blog about home improvement tips and tricks.

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