The Ultimate Holiday Shopping Guide For Every Person In Your Life

Sometimes the most challenging part of holiday shopping isn’t the actual shopping part, but rather trying to write out your shopping list. Most of us have tons of people in our lives who are very dear to us. However, when it comes to creating a holiday shopping list, it can be easy to accidentally forget people.

It’s embarrassing for the holidays to pass and to realize that you forgot to get a gift for someone special in your life. To help you ensure that you don’t leave anyone off your list, here’s the ultimate holiday shopping guide for just about every person that you know.

Your Kids’ Teachers

Sadly, lots of people forget to pick up something for their kids’ teachers around the holidays. Most teachers are already incredibly overworked and underpaid, so they need a holiday present more than anyone. Since teachers end up spending so much of their own money on classroom necessities, give your kids’ teachers gift cards to big box or department stores. This allows them to pick out something for their classrooms or for themselves.

Your Parents and Grandparents

If you have kids, it’s easy to focus all of your holiday energy on getting them the perfect presents. However, it’s important to not forget about your parents or your grandparents during the holidays. Most parents and grandparents aren’t very picky and will be happy with whatever you get them. However, Christmas gift baskets are always a fabulous choice.

Your Mailman and Garbageman

You should never forget about your mailman and garbageman during the holiday season. They work extremely hard to provide you with essential services at no personal cost to you. While it’s considered tacky not to set something out for your mailman and garbageman, the good news is that etiquette doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money on these gifts. A small five dollar tip or even a plate of homemade cookies are perfect choices for these workers.

Your Hairstylist or Barber

Don’t forget to give something special to your stylist or barber during the holiday season. When it comes to your hairstylist, the rule is to give the gift to them at whichever of your appointments will be the last before the new year. As for the gift itself, you have two options. You can either give them a very large tip or a gift certificate to a nearby restaurant or store.

Your Coworkers

No, you don’t have to get an individual gift for each and every single one of your coworkers. Not only would this be financially imprudent, but most of us aren’t close with every one of our coworkers, but are rather only close with a select few. However, it’s a good idea to bring a plate of pastries or a dish to pass to any holiday parties that your company might be hosting. This sends a great message and is a wonderful gesture, but won’t cost you a fortune or require you to buy anything for any individuals.

Your Employees

It’s fine to just share some baked goods as your gift to your coworkers. However, if you’re a boss, then you should put a little more effort into getting something nice for your employees. If you’re only a boss to one or a few people, try to personalize the gifts that you purchase for your employees. If you’re a boss to many employees, treat them to a special lunch outside of the regular company holiday party.

Your Friends

When it comes to getting gifts for your friends during the holidays, skip the gift cards. Gift cards are a great choice for your employees or your barber, but they’re too impersonal to buy as a gift for someone with whom you have a close personal relationship. Instead, put some time and effort into getting something that your friends will really love and appreciate. When it comes to your friends and family members, it’s best that gifts are personal and special.

If you follow this guide, you can get the perfect gift for just about every person in your life. Once you know who you need to get gifts for, the stress is really taken out of shopping.

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