The Importance of a Pregnancy Bucket List

Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash


Pregnancy is very exciting and scary at the same time. There seems to be a never-ending list of things to do before the baby arrives, but it also seems to drag on forever. While it may seem to take a long time to reach the end of your pregnancy, you will find that the time goes faster than you think. 


You spend your time learning about your pregnancy belly and keeping up with your doctor’s appointments. While you are busy decorating the nursery, finding the perfect parenting apps to make your life easier, and taking childbirth education courses, don’t forget to take some time for yourself and work on your pregnancy bucket list. Life after your baby arrives will be much different, so take advantage of all the pre-baby time you have while you can.




While it is possible to travel with a baby, it is a lot harder than traveling before the birth. Traveling after a baby requires a lot more coordination and stress. Taking a little time during your pregnancy to go on a trip can be a great time to relax and bond with your significant other before your lives change. There may be restrictions on where and when you can travel during your pregnancy, so make sure you confirm with your doctor before planning a trip. 


Clear the Clutter


You may be surprised to find how much space a small baby and all the things a baby requires takes up in your home. Taking some time during your pregnancy to clear any clutter in your home and get rid of things is a great way to open up space for the baby. 


Decluttering and making space can also be linked to less anxiety. Having a clutter-free home while you are adjusting to becoming a new mother or father will help you feel calmer and more in charge of yourself. You can take this time to finish up small projects you have been putting off, so there is not a to-do list in the back of your mind. 




Sleeping while pregnant can seem impossible and uncomfortable, but it will seem much easier than once the baby arrives. Take advantage of the time you can rest during your pregnancy. Lay down when you can, nap when you can, and go to bed early when you can. You know your sleep will be interrupted once the baby arrives, so you do not want to go into childbirth exhausted. Rest as much as possible. 


Date Nights


Because you go through such a big lifestyle change after the birth of your child, you want to strengthen your relationship as much as possible during your pregnancy. Try to have weekly date nights throughout your pregnancy. Make it a habit to prioritize your relationship before the baby comes so that when there is less time for date nights, you are still in the habit of making time for each other. 




Your body will go through so many different changes during your pregnancy; it can feel like quite the roller coaster. Your body is doing an amazing job, and it is important to take time to marvel and appreciate the miracle of childbirth. One way that you can appreciate your body is to do a pregnancy photo shoot. You can do this with your significant other or alone, but be sure to have fun with it and love your body how it is. 


In addition to having a professional photo shoot, you should also document all the changes your body goes through. Taking weekly bump pictures will help you document your pregnancy so you can look back on it later and remember. 




Another great way you can document your pregnancy is to keep a journal. You can write down all the feelings you have during your pregnancy. You can write down your hopes and worries. You can write down letters to your future child that they can read as they get older. Writing in a journal will also help you work through any anxieties that you have and bring a greater sense of peace and calm to your heart. 


Baby Shower


Having a baby shower is a great way to celebrate your pregnancy with those you love. You get to spend time with your friends and family and get their support and love. You not only get love and support, but you can also register for baby items that you still need. 




It is important while you are so focused on the life you are growing inside of you to not forget to take care of yourself as well. Scheduling some self-care and pampering time during your pregnancy is important. Go get a pedicure, prenatal massages, and facials. Take care of your body, and remember that you are important. Scheduling a haircut or color is also a good idea, so you won’t have to worry about it when you are managing a newborn. Splurge a little bit on yourself, so you can enter motherhood rejuvenated and ready for the new challenge. 


Pack the Bag


It is crucial to pack the hospital bag during your pregnancy so your mind can be at peace because you know you have everything that you need on the big day. You will want to look up ideas of what to bring and what was helpful for other people because that may remind you of some important things. You will also want clothes to wear home for you and the baby. Remember that you will still need to wear pregnancy clothes for a little while after the birth, so don’t expect to zip up those pre-pregnancy jeans quite yet. You will want something comfortable for you and the baby to wear home. 


Evaluate Your Car


As your family grows, you will need to evaluate your car to make sure that it still fits the needs of your family. You may need to update your car to one that has more space, one that is safer, or one that is more convenient for loading a car seat in and out. 


If you do decide to get a new car, you need to make sure that you think not only about your needs right now, but the needs you may have in the future. If you are still planning to have more children, get a car that can grow with your family, so you do not need to replace it in a couple more years. There are many perks available in newer car models that can make your life as a parent easier, so take that into consideration when purchasing a new vehicle


Save Money


It is no surprise that babies are expensive. There are always surprise expenses that come up, so it is important to be prepared. Using the time during your pregnancy to put money in a savings account is a smart idea. You can add to this account regularly and then use it for emergencies, to take a family trip, or to put towards your child’s college fund. 


Embrace Intimacy


You should spend as much time as possible with your significant other before the baby comes. Just because you are pregnant, that doesn’t mean you need to reduce the amount of intimacy in your marriage. As long as you don’t have any complications with your pregnancy, you can keep the spark alive in your marriage for your entire pregnancy if you want to. 


Support System


There are many online resources, groups, and apps that can help you find a support system and resources to help the transition to parent go smoothly. Finding baby education resources and people to whom you can talk about questions and parenting styles can be a great support for you during the early days of parenting. Work during your pregnancy to make these connections so they will already be available once the baby comes. 




Just like the tradition of giving your significant other a gift on your wedding day, it can also be a fun tradition to give each other gifts before the birth of your child. Parenthood is a hard job, and you can use this time to show your appreciation for your significant other. It can also be used as a memento and keepsake to remind you of this special time in your life. 




Becoming a parent will be a stressful time in your life, but you don’t want that to rob you of all the joy and happiness that comes with this transition as well. While this list has a lot of good ideas to help you capture some of the magic of your pregnancy, don’t stress about doing it all before the baby comes. Focus on what is the most important to you and your family, and don’t worry about the rest. 


The critical thing to do is to love yourself, your body, your significant other, and your baby. Paying attention to the needs of your family and following your heart is the most important thing you can do to have a successful pregnancy. 


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