The Full Guide To GIA Certified Diamonds


If you purchase diamond jewellery it is imperative to ensure that the diamonds are certified. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough. Not only do you want to be one hundred per cent sure that the diamonds are authentic, but you also need to be presented with the facts regarding the quality of the diamond. After all, you want to know that you are paying a fair amount in relation to what you are getting in return. This is where GIA certification comes into place. 


What is GIA? Well, GIA stands for the Gemological Institute of America. This is a gemology and jewellery arts institute which centres on education and research. The institute is a non-profit one and it exists in order to protect buyers of diamonds and gemstones. How does it do this? Well, it sets the standard in relation to quality. Its grading system is universally used by specialists like Rogers and Hollands and recognised in order to determine the standard of a gemstone.


When it comes to diamonds the GIA certification measures the standard of a diamond based on the four C’s. These are; colour, clarity, cut and carat weight. When determining where to find the best jewellery GIA certification is undoubtedly the first thing you should be looking out for. Let’s take a look at each aspect in a little more detail…


  • Colour – The colour of a diamond is rated from colourless to yellow, with colourless being the more desirable end of the spectrum. Grading begins at D and ends at Z. 
  • Clarity – Clarity is rated based on the diamond’s level of flaws. You obviously want the diamond to include as little blemishes as possible. However, Flawless (F), the main grade is extremely rare. After this you have Internally Flawless (IF), (VVS1 and VVS2) Very Very Slightly Included, (VS1 and VS2) Very Slightly Included and (SI1 and SI2) Slightly Included.
  • Cut – The way the diamond is cut relates to its reflective qualities. If the diamond is too deep or too shallow you will not get the beautiful level of sparkle that is so frequently associated with top diamonds. This is because the light will spill. The grades are as follows; ideal, premium, very good, good, fair and poor. 
  • Carat weight – Last but not least we have the easiest to understand of the bunch; carat weight. The more a diamond weighs the more expensive it will be. 


Now you know all you need to with regards to how GIA certification works and how you can spot a good diamond from a bad one. It is so important to make sure that every diamond jewellery purchase you make comes complete with this certification. This is especially the case when you are seeking where to find the best wedding bands. Not only will you know that you are investing in an authentic and high-quality diamond, but you have proof of it as well. This can be a lot easier during the buying process because you are not merely taking the word of the jeweller. All in all, it’s simple; no GIA certification, no purchase! 


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