The Biggest Aging Worries for 30-Somethings – And How to Slow Them Down!

Hands up who thought about aging in their twenties? Nope, me neither! However, as I’m now a thirty-something woman, there are some worries that are beginning to creep up. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I’m suddenly going to age overnight. However, the telltale signs are starting to (slowly) rear their ugly heads. Now is the perfect time to think about aging. Why? Because it means you can slow it down before it even really gets started. Leave it too late and you’ll be fighting a losing battle. Start now and it all gets a lot easier as you get older. Below are some of the biggest aging worries for those in their thirties. Along with some great tips on how to slow them down.

The Biggest Aging Worries for 30-Somethings - And How to Slow Them Down! 

Photo from Pixabay

Grey Hairs

Your hair will begin to age before the rest of you, in most cases. In fact, you may have noticed a couple of wiry, grey hairs in your late twenties. Everyone ages at different rates and so there’s no real set time as to when this will happen. However, chances are it’s on its way! Of course, the most obvious way to combat this aging worry is by dying your hair. The catch 22 with this situation is that dye can age your hair. It can turn it brittle, make it break, and even turn it greyer! There’s no real way to stop this from happening altogether. However, regular visits to the hairdressers will slow it down. Look after your hair as well as you do your skin.



As you get older, gravity seems to take its toll on your body. This can make you feel really self-conscious, especially if you’re not prepared for it. You’re never going to be able to defeat this sign of aging entirely. There are some ways you can slow it down, however. Make sure you’re looking after your body for a start. Regular exercise is a great way to keep everything toned. You don’t need to hit the gym every day, though. Even just a brisk walk every day will do you some good. Also, invest in some underwear that’s well fitted. It will ensure you look and feel great, under your clothes.

 The Biggest Aging Worries for 30-Somethings - And How to Slow Them Down

Photo from Pixabay



These are one of the first parts of your face to be affected by wrinkles and drooping. Crow’s feet are a common occurrence in your thirties, as are sagging eyelids. If you’re beginning to see these signs, then you may need to change up your skincare routine. Look for products that can tighten those delicate areas. Eyelid surgery services are also another way of tightening up the skin around your eyes. If you’re looking for a quick fix, then this may well be it. Be careful not to tug on the skin around your eyes, as this can cause further wrinkling. Be gentle and kind to your skin!


I think these are the three key areas women in their thirties will begin to struggle with. Do you agree? I’d love to know how you’re facing the changes. Are you embracing them or doing something about it? Let me know in the comments below.

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