The Best Tools To Hire For Your Build

The Best Tools To Hire For Your Buildimage


There comes a time in every job, whether you are building or renovating  you realise that you just can’t do this alone. From lifting to scaling heights and from digging to supporting, sometimes you are going to need help. So whatever your project, here are some great ways to get that help and hire in equipment that will get your job done quicker, safer and even cheaper.


Up on the roof.


Home improvements come in many guises. They range from the cosmetic to the structural. Getting up on the roof for repairs is just one example. You might need to replace a few tiles or make good some storm damage. It could be that you are interested in installing some solar panels to harvest a little natural energy. Whatever your need, keeping yourself safe is paramount. That safety will include giving yourself the necessary framework to support you and the equipment you are using.


Hiring scaffolding is a great way to give yourself a platform that is robust and reliable. A scaffolding firm will be able to give you a quote and set up the scaffold quickly. You’ll be able to take your time over the job and have the confidence that you will be able to work safely. A platform will allow you to store materials and give you a flat base to work from.


Depending on the nature of the job and the weight involved it may even make sense to hire a winch to lift up heavy loads. Specialist equipment hire companies can provide a tool to find a suitable winch. Winches have a great load bearing capacity and can lift extraordinary weights into place.



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Getting access to walls for painting rendering or plastering can also be a tricky business. Installing cladding or simply treating a wall means that you need to be up and down a ladder. It could be that scaffolding is too rigid for your needs. A small crane or cherry picker can be a great option. These mobile devices can get you into position safely and give you a mobile platform to work from. They can also be controlled easily, so you can move and work without the worry of having to constantly change the position of a ladder. They are also going to be much safer. Consider too the advantage of hiring and using spray systems for painting or treating surfaces. Power washes can also be hired for cleaning and preparing areas.


Ground level


Earth works such as landscaping and foundation preparation no matter how big, or small can be made much easier by hiring in plant. A small digger and hole borer can make light work of even the most challenging terrain. You’ll save yourself a lot of back breaking work. The right digger can accomplish an amazing amount in just a few hours. From shifting soil to moving rock, a digger is a brilliant way of saving time, money and your back!


When it comes to filling in holes, pouring, floors or foundations don’t even consider mixing your concrete. Get it delivered and poured for you. It will take a matter of minutes, and there are chutes available to get the material to even the most inaccessible places.


Whatever job you have to do no matter how small or big, will be made easier safer and a whole lot quicker by hiring in the right equipment.



  1. I never would have thought to rent a cherry picker to use as scaffolding for putting up walls. Now that you mention it, I feel like a machine like that could actually be a lot of help in other stages of construction as well. Being that mobile, that high isn’t a bad idea. Thanks for sharing!

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