The Amazing Benefits Of Sauna

I love to find natural ways to boost my health. There has been a lot of talk recently about homeopathy in the press. There has been some backlash about its use as a treatment for things like hayfever and asthma. My thoughts are that if it works for you then there can’t be a lot wrong with using it.


I like using alternative therapies. Crystals, oils, light therapy, and more can be useful for a wide range of people. I even grow my own wheatgrass. There is one very interesting health trend that the Finnish people swear by. Nearly half the population of Finland own a sauna. They find it one of the most natural ways to relax and socialize.

The Amazing Benefits Of Sauna

Thomas Wanhoff provided the pic


There are many other health benefits of having a sauna too. Toxins are released through your sweat. It can help with weight loss. A regular sauna can even help you appear more youthful.


For some of us it might seem strange sitting in a small box doing nothing. For others, the time out from life with nothing to do is an ideal way to relax. The heat of a sauna draws out the toxins in your body through sweat. In Finland, it is quite common to end your sauna with a jump into a near frozen lake. This is thought to cleanse you and revitalize you. For most of us, a cool shower is usually enough!


Saunas can be dry or wet. Steam rooms are the preference of some while dry sauna experiences are preferred by others. You can certainly enjoy either. The end result is the same. Sweat is produced. The heat is relaxing for your whole body and mind. The scent of the wood helps you feel at ease with the temperature.


In Finland, naked sauna is common. If you visit a Finnish family, you may even be invited to join them in your birthday suit for a sauna. This is a great honor. Don’t be shy. It’s not as weird as you may think, and it is a good way to bond with friends and colleagues. Best of all, you can all enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the sauna.


In Finland, saunas are easy to find, and you may enjoy one at your hotel. Here, you can buy a sauna kit and put it together with a friend in an afternoon. Check out saunanova for some ideas on where to buy the best ones. Each model will have different facilities. You might choose to have light therapy or music in your sauna. These are all therapies you can enjoy in one package.


I love being able to find natural healthcare solutions at home. I love that I can grow my own wheatgrass to boost my blood count. I enjoy using lights and crystals when the mood suits me. To have a sauna at home could be a great way to help me relax after a tough week too. I might not be quite ready to share a nude sauna, but some quiet alone time is always a good thing!



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