Take Back Control of Your Garden Now

An awful lot of us fail to give our gardens the attention it truly deserves. When the summer time comes around, we’re all too happy to make good use of our garden space. But around this time of year? Stepping outside for a breath of fresh air is the last thing on our minds. “It’s too cold,” you bargain with yourself, “and besides, the grass doesn’t need cutting in the winter.”


Sound familiar? I bet it does. The thing is, though, the winter is the perfect time to get wrapped up and reclaim your garden. Taking advantage of the next few months means that, as soon as the sun puts his back on, you can make full use of being outside.


And why wouldn’t you want to do that? But, first, you’ve got to make your garden something that you’re truly proud of. If you haven’t given it any attention in a while, it may seem like an overwhelming task at hand. But, don’t panic, following these simple guidelines will make the process quick and painless. You’ve just gotta find the motivation to get wrapped up and brave the elements for a little bit.


Take Out the Trash


Okay, first things first, you’ve got to get rid of all the rubbish that has accumulated in your garden. It’s an all too easy trap to fall into, isn’t it? What is it they say? Out of sight, out of mind. Especially in the cold months when we’re not likely to be outside for any great length of time. You may have found yourself tossing rubbish outside with the assurance that you’ll deal with it later. Only, later never comes, does it?


Now is the time to act decisively. The first task you have to overcome to take back control of your garden is to make sure it’s free of any and all clutter. Grab yourself a bin bag and head outside. Be ruthless. Leave no stone unturned in your quest to completely declutter your garden. Any old bits of wood, old busted kitchen appliances, and general waste should be eliminated.


But what do you do with all that rubbish? Well, you have a couple of options, at least. You can either tackle it all by yourself, which may be preferable if you have the time and energy. Just sort everything out into piles of things to keep, things to get rid of, and things to recycle. That way, you have a clear plan of what to do with it. If you can’t bring yourself to take the trip out yourself, call for a house clearance service to come and take it away on your behalf.

Take Back Control of Your Garden Now



Dealing with Weeds


Once all that is gone, you can put your focus on what else is around you. Scan the perimeter with a keen eye on picking out the unsightly. Chances are, the first thing your eyes will stumble upon is weeds. Especially if you’ve got garden paving in there. Weeds just love to grow through the cracks of paving stones, and they’re notoriously difficult to get rid of.


Well, that’s because people get it wrong, most of the time. They think that just by spraying a little bit of weed killer and pulling them up, they’re dealt with. Wrong move. You need to kill a weed at its root to ensure that it doesn’t grow back again. There are quite a few ways you can achieve this, so your particular method is down to personal preference. You can check out some effective ways to kill weeds online.


Have a Tidy Up


By now, your garden should be starting to look better already. It’s free from rubbish, and the weeds are gone. What now? Well, again, take a look around. There may be things that belong in your garden but are out of place. One of the biggest culprits for this is kids toys. Especially if they’ve been playing out there recently. You may have balls and toys spread all over your garden.


You don’t need to bring them outside, especially if they usually belong outdoors, but just tidy them away so that they don’t look so messy. You won’t believe how much of an effect this will have on your garden and make it feel much more open and spacious. It’s a good idea to pack things into corners or alongside walls. This draws attention to the wide space in the middle and makes your garden feel bigger. Now, is it all cleared away? Good. Let’s move on.

Take Back Control of Your Home Garden Now



Make Sure All Your Plants Are Properly Cared For


Things are looking much tidier now, aren’t they? Now, it’s just a case of making sure that everything is cared for properly. In the winter months, there’s not a lot you can do to improve the visual appeal. Not unless you plant some specific winter flowers. But that’s a little bit short-sighted. Remember, we’re priming our gardens ready for spring and summer!


If you’ve already got a flower bed in your garden, you’ll need to make sure that you pay close attention to it. This is crucial in the winter when your plants are most at risk of dying because of the extremely cold temperatures. If you’re somewhat of a gardening enthusiast already, you may know what you need to do. If you only have a passing interest, though, you’ll need to look online at how to take care of your flowers in the winter. Every different type will need its own different care, so take a look at the specifics.


Don’t you feel much better now? Your garden is nice and tidy, and your flowers should be ready to bloom come the spring. Well done, you’ve just created an area that is going to be of utmost comfort come the summertime. Now that everything is looking spick and span, you can start to think about some garden renovations, if you want to. Check out some ideas online and, if you’ve got the budget, you can make some really nice additions to your garden.

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