Summer Survival Tips For Those Working From Home

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Summer is finally upon us (at the time of writing), which is great news for those of us who like to spend time outdoors in the sun. However, if you’re somebody who works from home, you might be a little more resistant to this particular time of the year. 




Well, there’s the hot weather to consider for starters. Working from home when the temperatures are high isn’t particularly easy. Productivity can be affected when the climate is warm, and a sense of frustration might also creep in when you find yourself stuck indoors on a beautifully sunny day. 


If you’re a parent, your kids will also be at home, and your ability to work might be compromised.


Still, there are solutions to these problems, so to help you, check out this summer survival guide. 


#1: Stay cool!


Your energy will quickly flag if your home is hotter than the Bahamas so don’t forget to let some air in. Open your windows if you’re able to do so, not only in your home office but also in other rooms to improve the overall airflow. Purchase a desk or standing fan if you need that extra bit of cool air in your home office, and remember to keep yourself hydrated, as this will regulate your temperature. 


#2: Shield yourself from the sun


You might not want to shield yourself from the sun in its entirety but if the heat gets too much, you might want to close the curtains or blinds. You can still allow the sun to peek through, but especially when working at the computer, you can reduce sun glare if you limit the light that comes in. If you would rather let the sun in, it’s a good idea to cover your computer screen with an anti-glare filter to aid your visibility. Alternatively, consider 3M window film for your windows as this is another way to reduce sun glare. 


#3: Stay energized

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It can be difficult to stay energized when the heat affects you so do what you can to sustain your energy throughout the day. Eating healthily, exercise, and regular drinks of water are three daily habits that will keep your energy levels up, as will getting a good night’s sleep to ensure you wake up refreshed and ready each day.


#4: Create a new work schedule


If you do have kids, this might be something you have to do anyway, as you will need to work around them. However, you might also create a new work schedule if you want to spend some time outdoors during the summer. So, it might be that you get up a little earlier each day to start work. Or you might want to work during the evenings when the kids are in bed or occupying themselves in their bedrooms. You might also want to work longer on certain days, as this will give you time to have more days off during the week. Do whatever works for you, your deadlines, and your family. 


#5: Keep your kids occupied


If you’re able to bring in a childminder, then do so, especially if you have a lot of work to get on with. Alternatively, have a look for any holiday clubs in the area as your kids would then be busy during the day while you’re busy at home. If these options don’t work for you, find other ways to keep your kids occupied. Purchase books, board games, DVDs, and anything else that might keep them busy while you’re working. If they’re into crafts, you might also give them what they need to get busy with these craft activities. If your home office overlooks the garden, you might also buy them games to play in the garden. Of course, you will still need to keep an eye on them, so don’t let your work distract you too much!


#6: Have plenty of breaks


You don’t need to sit indoors all of the time, so schedule in breaks so you can spend some outdoors. This will be helpful anyway, as regular breaks can ensure better productivity, as tiredness will set in if you’re working too long. During your breaks, you could exercise a little, perhaps by walking around your garden. You will also have time to give your family some attention so they don’t feel entirely abandoned by you during the day. 


These are just a few of the things you can do to make life easier for yourself this summer. We hope they were helpful to you, but if you have any other tips for our readers, please leave us a comment below. 


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