Stop Using These Excuses For Avoiding Exercise

If you want to get in shape, you need to be disciplined and stick to a fitness routine. Consistency is the only way that you will see results and if you start skipping workouts, you won’t see an improvement. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to make excuses and come up with reasons to avoid working out, which is why so many people struggle to get fit. These are some of the most common excuses for avoiding exercises and how to get around them. 

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I Can’t Afford The Gym 

This is one of the most common excuses, but the thing is, it’s not really an excuse at all. Even though there are a lot of gyms that are very expensive and tie you into a long contract, they’re not all like that. There are some great, affordable gyms, like Fitness 19, with locations across the country. They have flexible, monthly contracts so you don’t get tied down to a contract and it’s more affordable than most gyms, so you have no excuses. You can also exercise at home so even if you don’t want to pay for the gym, that’s no excuse for missing your workouts. There are so many great workout videos online or you could just go for a run. 

I’m Too Tired To Exercise 

After a long day at work, it can be tough to find the motivation to exercise, especially if you are tired. However, this all comes down to dedication and the people that are most successful are the ones that can push through and continue with their workouts, even if they don’t really feel like it. Exercising will actually boost your energy levels as well, so you can’t really use tiredness as an excuse. 


If you feel too tired to exercise because you are still recovering from a previous workout, there’s a chance that you are pushing yourself too hard. When you are planning a new workout routine, be realistic about your abilities and start slowly. If you find that your recovery times are long, consider reducing the intensity of your workout. 

I Don’t Have Time 

When you have a busy work and family life, finding the time to exercise can be tough. But saying you don’t have time is never a good excuse for not exercising because you can find the time if you really want to. How much time to spend watching TV, for example? That’s time that you could spend exercising. There are so many great exercise routines that you can do in 15 minutes, so it’s easy to fit a bit of exercise into your day. 


You can also incorporate exercise into other daily activities. For example, how do you usually get to work? If you drive, could you cycle instead? If you are spending time with the kids, why not get outside and do something active with them? If you get creative with it, you can always find ways to fit exercise into your normal routine. 


These excuses will always get in the way of your fitness routine, but if you can avoid them, you stand a much better chance of meeting your fitness goals.   

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