Sprucing Up A Home That’s In Need Of Some TLC

Perhaps you’ve only just moved into a home that has been vacant for a while, or haven’t been able to visit a property of yours for some time. Whatever the case, when a home is abandoned for some time, it’s typically going to have a few problems you need to solve before you can call it livable again. If you find yourself with a fixer-upper, here are a few places to focus your attention first and foremost.

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Getting the utilities right

You need more than a roof and four walls to call a home a home. Sure, the most austere and minimalist of us might be able to live without utilities just fine, but that’s not a practical suggestion for the vast majority of us. Work with a local electrical as well as a local plumber to spend some time inspecting both the pipes and wiring to make sure that the home can offer some quality of living.


Work with the right contractor

You can DIY it, but when it comes to repairing wood, walls, and other essential fixture of the home, it’s better to take the time to work with a reputable professional contractor who can help you fix it up. Just be sure to make sure you take the time to create a reasonable budget with a buffer ready for those surprise costs.


Give the outside a once over

The exterior of the home is often the part that will suffer the most damage if a home has been left alone for a long time. A fresh coat of paint or cladding might be necessary to spruce up its look and you might want to consider a power washer for any paving. You should even consider looking up graffiti removal services. After all, abandoned houses can attract all sorts of attention that you might have to clean up after.


Keep your head up

One part of the exterior that can suffer a lot of damage, in particular, is that of the roof. Weather damage and simple wear and tear over the years may have compromised the roof, meaning that water can start to find its way into the home a lot more easily, leading to leaks and mold. As such, it’s worth having it inspected as quickly as possible to see if any fixes need to be made.


Banishing mold and damp

As mentioned, water might have been worming its way into the home through the roof, but that’s only one way that leaks, damp, and mold can begin to spread. It’s a good idea to get in touch with mold remediation experts, as you’re likely to need them if a home has been abandoned for long enough.


The steps above might be the only things to take care of, or they might be just the beginning of a laundry list of tasks that you have to tackle. It’s always important to understand what, exactly, you’re getting into when you take on a fixer-upper before you commit to it.

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