Smarten Up Your Home With these Top Tips!

There’s never a bad time to smarten up your home. Whether you want to focus on the interior or exterior, I have some top tips for you. Read on if you’d like to spruce up your living quarters to impress all who enter…


Pave Your Driveway


There’s nothing nicer than a freshly paved driveway, so if yours has been around for a while, then you should consider sprucing it up. Get a professional to do it, but make sure you have some word of mouth reviews first. Don’t go for a cheap price alone, as you could end up bitterly disappointed. I’ve heard of pensioners being ripped off and a man having an obscene word paved into his driveway.


Plant Flowers


If you don’t already have a variety of pretty flowers in your garden, get planting! Do your research to find out which flowers best suit your climate and soil. Some will be better to maintain than others depending on where you live. You can download an app or two to help if you don’t have the first clue of what to do!


Get Rid of Graffiti


We don’t all have original works by Banksy sprayed on our walls, and if we did we wouldn’t be looking to get rid of it. However, you may have an unruly child that has graffitied your walls, or an angst ridden teenager who has left their mark on your garden wall. Find a graffiti removal service that can get rid of this to instantly make a difference. You’ll love the change!


Install a Water Feature


Water features are always going to look amazing. They not only look amazing, they sound amazing too! If you’ve ever sat in a garden with a water feature, you’ll know what I’m talking about. They’re a pleasure to be around.

Smarten Up Your Home With these Top Tips!

image: pauldriscoll


Add a Fresh Coat of Paint


The inside of your home looking a bit dull? You might not need to do much at all other than add a fresh coat of paint. It’ll instantly brighten the place up and make things look brand new again. Try it before you try any expensive techniques.




Getting rid of clutter can be a big job, especially if you’re a bit of a hoarder. It’s so worth it when you see what’s hiding underneath all of that junk! Be brutal and get rid of anything you haven’t used for a while.


Stick to 3 Colours


Too many colours in your rooms can make it look messy. Stick to just 3 colours that you like best; I suggest 2 neutrals and 1 bright pop of colour.


Make Sure It’s Practical


You can’t call your house smart if it isn’t practical. Make sure the people who live in it can do so effectively. You should all be able to move around and relax freely. You might need to move things around a little!


There you have them: my top tips for smartening up your home. Many of them can be completed in a day or two, so you can instantly make your home a great place to live!


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