Smart Tips For Living More Sustainably At Home

Living more sustainably at home is not only good for the planet, but can also help you save on household bills. Simply switching to renewable energy sources and driving less can reduce your carbon footprint and the cost of living. If you are looking for the smartest ways to live more sustainably and reduce the cost of your household bills, here’s more. 

Image by hamlinjandrew from Pixabay 


Take part in shared solar power initiatives

Shared solar power community groups are a great way to join in on solar power energy for a reduced cost and not have to install solar panels to your home. 


As you do not need to invest in the expensive equipment, you can reap the solar rewards for a reduced cost and cancel at any time. Joining a community solar group can help you receive tax benefits and help you live more sustainably. Thus, you will be saving your bank account and the planet. 


Grow your own produce

Growing your own produce and sprucing up your garden with vegetable patches is extremely trendy right now, which is great. Not only does it help you achieve sustainable living at home, but it fills spare time, and can cut the cost of food bills. 


Although it can take a few months for anything to grow, it is best to start as soon as possible. Getting a heads start will allow you to enjoy the vegetables throughout their prime growing months. 


You will be able to learn a new thing or two along the way. Before you know it, you could be growing enough produce to not have to shop for fruits and vegetables anymore. 


Limit hot water use

Although hot water use is essential for some aspects of living, washing clothes and yourself, it can be reduced. Thus, you can reduce your carbon footprint and the cost of your bills. 


Simply reducing the temperature of your showers and your clothes washing will help reduce the cost of your bills. 


Dry your clothes outside

Drying your clothes in a tumble dryer can be extremely costly and not sustainable. An easy way to be more sustainable at home is to dry your clothes outside, or inside on a rack. 


They may take a little longer to dry but you will be one step closer to sustainable living and will be saving on energy bills each month. 


Reduce food waste

Cutting down on food waste is essential for sustainable living. Before you shop each week, plan your meals. This will help you only buy what you need and avoid wasting food. Although some fridge treats might be tempting, they may not get eaten in time and go to waste. Thus, only buy what you need, which meal prepping can help with. 


If you struggle to only pick up what you need in the store, go with a list and a full stomach. It can be easy to get carried away if you are hungry. 


Insulate the loft

Insulation is a great way to regulate heat and keep the home warm during the cooler months. A lack of insulation can result in needing to use more heating, which can increase the cost of household bills as well as your carbon footprint. 


You can insulate more than the loft, but it might be costly. The loft is the best place to insulate as heat rises and the heat will regulate from ceiling insulation at the highest point of the home. 


Switch to LED bulbs

Switching old light bulbs for LED bulbs is more sustainable and cost-effective. These are often energy-saving bulbs, which last longer and use less electricity. 


Use your own reusable bags for shopping

Most of us have been guilty of buying and using too many plastic bags over the years. Buying reusable bags will lower your carbon footprint and save you money. As plastic bags are no longer free, it gives you more reason to buy and use reusable bags. 


Use reusable coffee cups

Along the lines of reusable items, coffee cups are a good idea too. Many of us are guilty of buying and using coffee cups that are plastic and non-reusable. But, taking your own will save you money (as many companies reduce the price of coffee if you use your own cup) and will help you live more sustainably. 


Eat a more flexible diet

If you eat meat, dairy products, or fish, you do not have to totally eliminate them from your diet. But, simply cutting down can help you achieve and maintain a more sustainable way of living. Simply eating plant based a few days a week is a fun challenge and a great way to live more sustainably. 

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