Signs That It Is Time To Move House

Some people buy a home thinking it is their forever home, others buy one knowing full well they intend to move on when the time is right. Whether you intended to move from your property in the future or not sometimes there is no getting away from that feeling of itchy feet. Actually, heads can be turned surprisingly easily when it comes to real estate. The thought of an extra bedroom or bigger backyard convinces property owners to up sticks and sell their home more than they would care to admit. Chances are you’ve already considered it, but here are some tell-tale signs that you are ready to move on.  

Your house is shrinking

Are you always struggling for space? For cupboards to hide things in? Do you find yourself looking up huge palace-like houses online and lusting over all that space? Do you have more children than bedrooms? Is waiting for the one shower to be free taking its toll? If it is then it’s probably time to admit that your house just isn’t big enough anymore. If it feels smaller than ever then it may be time to consider moving to a bigger property that meets your needs. 

You don’t buy new furniture 

Have you found yourself drooling over the latest interior design trends longing for a home that looks the same but been unwilling to part with the cash to make it a reality in your current home? Do you put off buying new furniture for your current property, with the subconscious thought that it may not fit in the new house? Being unwilling to spend on and upgrade your current home for fear that it will be wasted when the time comes to move on is a good indicator that actually, now is the time to move on. By not maintaining your current property you will only be doing it disservice and yourself when the time comes to sell it. 

Photo credit; Kendle Media from Pexels

You’re always looking at real estate online

Do you spend every lunch break or free minute browsing the housing market? Chances are you end up lost down a rabbit hole scouring the entire market within the desired radius. Before you know it your lunch break is over. If you know more about the local housing market than the realtors consider it a sign. 

You’re thinking about knocking down a wall

Do you look around at your house and see walls that you want to tear down or extensions you want to build to make it ‘perfect? If so, is it really worth the time, stress, and investment? You may well be better off looking for a property that already meets your needs without having to go through the hassle of a big renovation project. Perhaps you’ve already extended your property or you’ve completed all the DIY projects you originally bought your ‘doer upper’ for. If you’ve gone as far as you can go then there is only one thing for it. Time to sell and start again.

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