Should I Repair or Replace My Cooling System?

Should I Repair or Replace My Cooling System?


There comes a time when every cooling system gives out. Whether it’s in the middle of a hot summer day or during the dead of winter, having your cooling system fail is never fun. This is when it comes time to make the decision: do you repair your old AC or buy a new one?


Repairs are obviously the cheaper method, but some repairs are expensive enough that they aren’t worth it. Also, a newer unit will be more efficient and offer features that older systems may not have. If you need help deciding whether to repair or replace your AC, here are some tips.


How Old Is Your AC?


The first thing you should think about when deciding if you should repair or replace your AC is the age of your AC. Like many electronics, air conditioners are only designed to run for so long. As time takes a toll on them, they become less efficient and are more prone to costly breakdowns.


On average, a cooling system should last you about 10 to 15 years. However, this can change quite a bit based on how well you took care of it. If you’ve properly maintained your cooling system on a regular basis over the years, it may last as long as 20 years. If you haven’t been keeping up on maintenance, it may fail after just 5 or 10 years.


One important thing to consider when replacing your AC with a newer model is that there will be plenty of benefits. Technology is constantly evolving, and newer cooling systems are more efficient. While it will be a costly investment, you’ll get plenty of return.


How Costly Is the Repair?


If you’re considering hiring a professional for cooling system repairs, you should check to see if it’s worth it by using the 5,000 rule. All you have to do is take the age of your equipment and the cost of your repair and multiply them. If the end result is greater than $5,000, you’d be better off replacing your cooling system.


Before you decide to get any work done, you should get a quote from a cooling professional. They can take a look at your system and give you more advice.


What to Buy


You have a lot of choices when it comes to shopping for a new cooling system, but it’s easy to make the right decisions with some light reading. When you’re looking for a new AC, you want one that’s affordable, efficient and properly sized for your home. As far as the sizing goes, a professional can help you with that.


For efficiency, you should look for an air conditioner with a good SEER rating. This rating determines how efficient your air conditioning system is. Today’s air conditioners have a SEER rating of at least 13 or 14, but they can go as high as 21 to 25. As long as you’re getting an AC unit with the minimum required SEER rating, you’re good to go, although a higher SEER rating may save you some money on your energy bill.

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