Salvage Me: Home Appliances You Should Save, Not Scrap

As soon as an appliance goes kaput, there is one overriding feeling: throw it in the garbage. Sadly, waste not, want not isn’t a motto the majority of us live by in 2018. It’s too easy to replace a broken item in the home than it is to repair or fix it. And, seen as society is impatient, it makes sense to follow the crowd. However, there is a problem, and it goes by the name of money. Throwing things in the trash is a waste of cash, one thing most homeowners don’t have of to flush it down the toilet. With that in mind, here are the appliances you may want to save instead of scrap.


These are the Big Three of kitchen appliances. Regarding cost, they are the most expensive, yet they are also incredibly important. Just imagine having to go a day without refrigerated food. The amount of groceries you would have to throw away isn’t worth thinking about. And, it’s pretty hard to cook a meal without an oven. Because they are large appliances, they are complicated and dangerous and difficult to fix. The good news is a professional appliance repair service will pick up the slack. Don’t attempt it alone unless you understand the mechanics and have switched off the electricity.

Kettle/Toaster/Coffee Maker

If the above are the big guns, these are the small details which make up a practical kitchen. Why are these on the list? It’s because they tend to be the items that homeowners discard without a moment’s thought. After all, a new toaster is only a couple of bucks, as is a brand new kettle or coffee maker. Of course, repairs are cheaper and easy to do without any expert help. Usually, a fuse will need replacing and the appliance will come back to life. Just go to YouTube if you need a guide.


Modern bathrooms don’t use tubs but showers these days because they are quicker and more efficient. Don’t worry if you agree because there is nothing wrong with replacing a bathtub. Before you leave it in the garden, however, think about how you can reclaim it and use it throughout the home. Tub-like sinks are all the rage, and you have the perfect base thanks to your full-sized bath. All you have to do is cut it down to size and add knobs and a sinkhole. You can even sell them to friends and make a killing!

Light Bulbs

Bulbs are without a doubt the most perishable item item in the entire house. Once it stops working, you instantly head to the store to buy a pack of new ones. It doesn’t matter that they are expensive – God gave us light and we need it to see! The thing is you can fix a broken bulb and keep it burning for weeks and even months. The YouTube video underneath is a great guide, but the gist is to mess around with it until it illuminates.

Are there any appliances you like to save and salvage?

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