Sage Advice For Moms Considering Adoption

If you’re unable to take care of your child anymore, for personal or legal reasons, putting your child up for adoption is a great act of love. Here are some tips for moms thinking about the process.


Know Your Rights


Under US law, you have many rights as a parent. You have the right to educate your child as you please. You also have the right to bring them up with the religious instruction of your choice. In fact, you are allowed to bring up a child in practically any way that you like.


But you also have a duty to make sure that you have the financial resources to look after than child. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the child is clothed, fed and housed in adequate conditions. If you’re unable to provide these basics, then it might be time to consider adoption.

Sage Advice For Moms Considering Adoption


Think About Your Adoption Options


A lot of moms ask the question: “I’m seeking adoptive parents for my baby, but which adoption option should I choose?” Well, that all depends on what type of relationship you want with your child. There are many different options available.


The first is guardianship. This is primarily a temporary measure, designed to help parents through the toughest financial times. You remain in the loop, providing financial resources to bringing up the child where possible. But the day to day responsibility falls on another person, known as the guardian.


The second option is what’s called a kinship adoption. Here, another member of the family takes on the responsibility of looking after the child. This sort of arrangement is most common in families where there is a teenage pregnancy. And because it’s within the family, legal transfer of the child is usually quick and easy.


The third option is what’s known as an open adoption. Here, your child goes to live with another family, as you might expect. But in this setup, you get to have ongoing contact with the child. This can take many forms, but contact is mainly through birthday gifts and letters.


Finally, there is so-called traditional adoption. In this setup, the birth parents have little, if any, involvement in the life of the child.


Choose An Adoption Agency Wisely


Choosing the right adoption agency is critical. Just like when you need a lawyer to fight on your behalf in legal cases, you want an agency that can fight your corner through the adoption process. The adoption process is convoluted, and so choosing the right agency is important. First off, check out the agency website. If it’s poorly produced and hard to navigate, the agency itself may not be of a high quality.


Next, find out what other people have had to say about it. Look for reviews on Google or Yahoo! Find out whether people are satisfied or whether there have been a lot of complaints.


Finally, ask local parent groups what they know about the agencies in your area. These organizations should be able to provide valuable information.


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