Renovation No-Go Zones You Should Leave To The Professionals

Renovation No-Go Zones You Should Leave To The Professionals



I would love to think I have inspired a few people out there with some of my home renovation and design tips. But, at the same time, I wouldn’t want you to go too far! There are a few areas of renovating that you should leave to the professionals, and I wanted to go through them with you today. Read on to find out more!


Structural work and design


If you are messing around with the structure of your home, always get a professional on board. Even if you think it’s safe to take down a wall, unless you have the qualifications to back yourself up, it could be a dangerous move. Think about getting in touch with a reputable builder for anything like this. Or, if you are planning any major work and changes, think about hiring an experienced residential architect. Not only will they help you come up with a safe plan, but they will also turn your ideas into a workable reality.


Electrical work


Wherever you are working in the home, there is always potential danger hidden behind the walls. Every modern home has many power points and hundreds of yards of wire running through them – and it can be incredibly dangerous. If you have no experience with working with electrics, always call a professional to do your work for you. And, even if you do have some experience, let an electrician deal with all aspects of your bathroom electrics. All that power and water is not a great combination, and a loose, live wire could cause a catastrophe.




There are plenty of reasons why you will need to mess around with the gas pipes in your home. You might want to re-tile your kitchen for example, which involves unplugging your oven from the gas main. Or, you may need to break through a wall or floor that has piping running through it. Either way, get someone with the right qualifications to do it for you, or you could face a nasty accident. It doesn’t take long for a leaking gas pipe to do terrible damage, so always pass on those tasks to a reputable firm.




In fact, any type of plumbing should be taken seriously. If you spend a fortune on renovations only for them to be spoiled by a leaking water pipe, it’s going to be a complete waste of money. So, anywhere there are water pipes in your home should be taken care of by a professional plumber. You will avoid leaks, damp, and the many health issues they can cause.




Having a roof renovation? Again, leave all the work to the pros. Hearing tragic stories regarding people falling off roofs is a regular occurrence these days. And, not many of these stories have a happy ending. Get a professional roofing company to help you. You will avoid the prospect of any slips, trips, or falls, in the most dangerous possible place to have one!


OK, so I feel glad I have that off my chest! I’m all for DIY, but in some cases, it’s best not to overstretch yourself. Stay safe out there, folks!


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