Making Ends Meet – A Humble Primer



Making ends meet isn’t always the most simple thing you can do. It’s definitely going to be one of your main priorities when running a household and a family, because the fun moments can’t happen as well unless everyone is safe, protected and provided for. As a parent, this will always be one of your main considerations outside of simply spending time with your children.


Making ends meet can be hard, especially when all the bills pile up at once. Not all households have a massive reserve of backup cash just in cases difficulties occur. In fact, hardly any households do. However, there are methods you can use in order to ensure you stay on top of things well, especially when forecasting difficult bills coming up.






When it comes to making ends meet, sometimes the best thing you can do is be proactive about tackling the bills you cannot pay, or might struggle to pay this month. Contacting your utilities company, or perhaps your bank, or perhaps even your landlord, and politely apologizing that you’ll be late this month, but you can expect payment on a certain date, can help you avoid the no-contact failing that is often met with suspicion and penalty. We’re not suggesting for a moment that those creditors will be pleased, but if they have a competent payments team whatsoever, they should help you come up with a form of arrangement to pay, as they often appreciate the fact that you are notifying them and are willing to tackle the debts as soon as possible.




Helpers are important to consider. Sometimes, they can really go a long way. You might ask to borrow money from a friend, work overtime and ask a friend to babysit your child for an evening (for a bottle of wine later on down the road,) or go to to potentially gain something to tide you over until payday. A little financial help can go a long way sometimes, especially when priority bills such as food and utilities NEED to be paid to keep you afloat.




Of course, if you’re continually coming up short, it might be that you need to make a real difference in how you consider your financial situation. Coming up short is not a ‘normal’ thing to be going through. It might be that you need the support of your family, need to reconsider your standard of life, or perhaps even gain more working hours. It’s not easy to just wave a magic wand and fix the main problem causing your finances to dip, so we apologize if that sounded patronizing. But sometimes it’s very important to clearly assess how your situation is, and where the stresses are truly coming from. Might it even be an effort like quitting cigarettes or alcohol could put more money in your pocket until you’re in a stable position? Sometimes, it’s the small things that matter most.


We hope this list helps, and we wish you the best of luck making ends meet.

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