Lockdown Relationships: Managing The Impacts Of Quarantine

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It’s official – lockdown is affecting relationships. Almost one-quarter of couples believe that staying at home is putting extra pressure on their relationships. A significant 12% of people say that lockdown is making them analyze their relationship.


One thing’s for sure – maintaining a loving relationship when you’re on top of each other is tough. There is nowhere to go, and it’s not as if you can get out of the house as you did previously. This means there is bound to be more emotional disconnectivity. 


Do you want to fight for your relationship? If the answer is yes, these are the tips you need to focus on during self-isolation.


Get Away


The idea of spending time apart to save your relationship is counterproductive on the face of things. However, the main reason that lockdown is affecting couples is that you spend too much time together. As a result, you’re stifling your other half’s independence, and vice versa. Plus, and don’t take this the wrong way, but things are boring, which isn’t helpful.


Setting aside a time slot for yourself allows you to disconnect physically and emotionally. When you come back to each other, you’ll find you’re more patient and more excitable.


Resolve Conflicts


Inevitably, you’re going to argue and lose your temper. It’s an occupational hazard of living with another person while on glorified house arrest. The trick is not to let the conflicts linger for any longer than necessary. Sure, blow off some steam after an argument so that the feelings don’t build up and boil over, but don’t hold grudges. When you fail to cut each other some slack, the atmosphere in your home will become toxic.


As always, a healthy tip is never to go to bed angry. Make sure you talk through what’s bothering you so that you can wipe the slate clean for the next day.


Find Out What’s Causing The Anxiety


Poetically, having too much time to think about your relationship may be what kills it in the end. Couples that overanalyze make mountains out of molehills. So, you could need a divorce lawyer because you convince yourself it’s the only option. It isn’t if you take the time to discover what’s causing the tension. Telling your other half that you’re scared of a divorce should encourage them to tell you how much they love you and want you in their life.


Once these emotions are reaffirmed, the idea of splitting up is less and less realistic.


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Write Down Non-Negotiable Habits


Everybody has traits that drive their partner mad. Weirdly, it’s part of the reason you love them in the first place. Of course, lockdown reveals the habits that you can’t stand. They aren’t funny or cute – they’re plain annoying. When the realization hits, you must nip the actions in the bud right away. Sit down together and make a list of non-negotiable traits that are causing friction.


That way, you both can work on the stuff that is driving a wedge between you and your significant other.

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