If You’re Changing Your Diet, Maybe Your Dog Should Too!

You love your dog; they’re always happy to see you, always want to be with you, and they look super cute when they’re rolled over asleep in their bed. However, when it comes to meal times, they might not be getting exactly what they need from you, and via no fault of your own! You simply want your pet to be happy, and to eat what makes them happy, but in the long term, this isn’t quite so good for them. 


If you’re someone who’s a little diet orientated, or you care a lot about the food you put on your plate, make sure you apply the same principal to your dog’s bowl. Because their diet might need tweaking a little! 

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Think About Their Age


The age of your dog matters a lot when it comes to feeding them the right things. The younger a pup is, the less changes you’re going to want to make, as it could cause a very upset stomach. But when a dog reaches the age of 1 year, relying on a good quality or well reputed brand of dog food is usually all you need to do for your animal. 


However, both cooked and raw meats can be fed to a dog of this age, and more lighter food such as vegetables and even a bit of fish should be introduced. And the older your dog gets, the more stable you’re going to want their diet to be, so experiment a little with the food right now to see what they react best to. 


Think About What They Typically Eat


Dogs eat a lot of things throughout the day, even if you don’t mean for them to! However, when it comes to big mealtimes, like breakfast and dinner, what is it you turn to most often to feed your pet? 


Because it might be time for a change! Your dog needs a stable and healthy diet, sure, but the same food over and over again? Not only is your dog likely to get bored, but they may be missing out on some key nutrients. So, maybe invest in some high protein dog food next time you’re at the pet store? Because your dog could benefit a lot from having a good hit of protein every now and then. 


Always Talk to Your Vet


And finally, it’s important to note that any big dietary changes, or any worries about your pet’s diet, are best to go through your vet first of all. They know the health of your dog inside and out, and they may have some recommendations, or even warnings, to offer you about the changes you propose. Sure, it’s up to you whether or not your dog’s diet changes, but it’s always nice to have some professional advice on hand. 


Your dog’s diet might need some tweaks here and there, but if your dog is happy, and you’re not noticing any weird signs, they should be eating just fine! 

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