How Upcycling Can Improve Your Credit Score



Upcycling is the process of taking an old or unused object and transforming into something new and exciting. It is a different form of recycling as it does not simply send products away to be crushed down and remade into something else, it instead keeps the products and finds a new use for it.


Upcycling is an incredibly important thing to do because it allows us to save waste and to also save a hell of a lot of money. The benefits of these things are that less waste causes much less damage to the environment, and this keeps our planet running smoothly. From a financial point of view, doing things like this can help us save money we would waste on buying new items and in extreme cases it can stop is going into debt and getting a low credit score. The last thing you want to do is end up one of those people who have to use a credit card to build credit each and every day. By upcycling items for use in your home and lifestyle you can actually make a huge impact on your financial situation.


The question is, how do we upcycle?


Let’s say you have a couple of coffee jars which are empty. Rather than throw these away, clean them out and put them to use in your kitchen to store dry foods, spices and even act as tea, coffee and sugar jars. You can find lots of ways to decorate these on Pinterest.


If you’ve got a bunch of old drawer handles hanging around in your home you can use these to create a chic coat rack for the front of the house. All you will need to do is get yourself a plank of wood and drill the hooks into place. You can paint them different colours for some personality and then simply hang it up near your front door.


If you fancy helping the environment with your upcycling you can also make bird feeders out of wine bottles. After you have your Friday glass of wine, clean out the bottle and make sure that it is dry. Take the lid of the bottle and cut a small circle into it. Fill the bottle up with seeds, put the lid on and hang it upside down outside on top of a plate. The birds will love you for it!


Upcycling is a clever way to save you a ton of money and hassle with your old items, and it can also prove to be a fun weekend project to do with the kids.  It will also be the perfect way to teach them the value of items and why not to simply throw things away straight away after use. The next time you are thinking of throwing something away, take a quick look online and see if there is a way to can turn this item into something you can use. You might be surprised at the results you find!

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