How To Look Younger with Easy Aging Prevention

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One of life’s greatest pursuits is trying to look younger than we are. Of course, there’s nothing you can do about aging. But you can prevent visible aging simply by taking care of yourself.

Look After Your Smile

Like everything else on your body, your teeth require maintenance. Over time, they can lose their whiteness because of your food and drink. But they can also break, decay, and become misaligned as your mouth changes shape. But you can try some preventative maintenance, such as using a retainer for teeth straightening. And cutting out harmful substances like sugar and acid in your diet will help with the color. And, of course, brush your teeth twice per day.

Stay Aware of UV Radiation

Whether you’re going to the beach or doing simple daily tasks, you need to protect yourself from the sun. Even on cloudy days or in places where it’s cold, the sun’s UV rays can still be strong. So, to protect your skin, stay in the shade, wear longer clothes, and use lotions with an SPF of 30 or higher. Every day, you should put sunscreen on all the skin that isn’t covered by clothes. For greater protection, you can also buy specialist clothes that have materials for blocking UV.

Avoid Alcohol to Look Younger

You probably already know that drinking is bad for you in a lot of ways. Liver and kidney damage aside, drinking will make your skin look much older. It’s fine to have a drink with a friend or at a birthday party. Or to have a glass of wine with dinner. But too much alcohol makes your skin dry out and opens up your blood vessels. If you consume too much alcohol, you could end up with ruptured capillaries and red skin that is hard to hide and sometimes can’t be fixed.

Drink Enough Water for Radiant Skin

Water is important to the health of your skin. Without enough water, your skin may look duller, your age spots may stand out, and your pores may look bigger. So, it’s important to drink 8 glasses of water every day. But water isn’t the only fluid that can help keep your skin hydrated. There are also some other drinks that help hydrate you. These include some herbal teas and drinks like lemon water and coconut water. These typically have more electrolytes than water.

Limit Heat Damage to Your Hair

The most effective way to prevent hair damage from heat styling is to let your hair air dry. But sometimes you have to dry your hair with heat. Even though heat drying is useful, it is very bad for your hair and will make it look older. Use heat protection sprays to keep your hair from getting damaged by high temperatures. The best ones fight free radicals with vitamins A and C. And they have biotin and oceanic extracts to make your hair fuller without making it heavier.


You can look younger than you really are with preventative maintenance. Try not to abuse your teeth, stay away from excess alcohol, and only use heat on your hair when it’s necessary.

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