How To Design A Life You Love


When you’re in love with your life, it’s hard to have sad days. Sure, we will all always have our days where we feel down or stressed, but when you’re living the life that you’ve always wanted, you’ll be happy most of the time. Sadly, not all of us live the lives that we really want. It can be so easy to just fall into a life or follow a path without really knowing where you’re going. It’s what so many of us do. We leave school or college or university, and then start working, and move into a  home, and embark on a relationship, and then there’s your life. But, at some point, you will stop and realise that you’re not really happy – or that you’re not really living the life that you love. And it can be soul destroying. And it can also make you feel very unhappy.


So does that mean you have to stick with that? Do you have to stay on your unhappy path and just live or exist in the life you have made for yourself? Even if you made it by accident? Definitely not! The good news is, this is your life! And you have total freedom to create a life that you love. Whether you’re married, have children, single, divorced, or whatever your life situation is, you are very free to design your perfect life. From being happy at home and designing a home you love, to feeling happy in yourself, here’s how to do it.


  1. Pinpoint What’s Making You Unhappy


The very first step is always about working out what is make you unhappy in the first place. Because if you start to work on becoming happier, without acknowledging what’s wrong, you won’t be able to be happy at all. You’ll only ever be going round in circles! So, be honest with yourself about what’s making you unhappy. Have a long hard think about what you need to change, and what will make the biggest difference to help you create the life you want.


  1. Cut Things Out


When you know what those things are, you need to cut them out. Well, as much as you can. Be ruthless and stop yourself from getting stuck in the same patterns. Things like living above your means, being in a toxic relationship, eating bad, worrying, and procrastinating among others only ever hurt YOU. So walk away from them for a better life.


  1. Create A Daily Routine


Now, something that is really simple, but that can help you to really design a life that you love, is coming up with your ideal daily routine. How do you want to spend your life? What do you want to do with your time? By designing your day, you’re one step closer to designing your life.


  1. Find Work You Love


One thing that affects a lot of us, is work. When you’re not doing a job that you enjoy, it can impact on every area of your life. But, when you find work that you love – it can have the opposite effect. When you’re doing work that you love, it really contributes to a happier life. After all, we spend so much time working, so isn’t it only fair that you get to do a job that you feel is worth it? So really start to think about what you want to do for a career.


  1. Get Into A Routine


Now, another form of routine that you should start to work on, is one with exercise. And right now you may be thinking – wait, what? I want to be happy, and I hate exercise! But, do you know what, it makes you feel great. Part of being happy, is being healthy. And we all know that we need to exercise to be healthy. Find a workout routine that works for you, and you will notice the difference.


  1. Nourish Your Body


Junk food can be tempting. But if you want to design your perfect life, you probably want to look and feel great, right? This means that you need to be more conscious about what you’re eating. When you nourish your body with fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and grains, your body will look and feel how you want!


  1. Take Care Of Your Skin


Next, you need to make sure that you’re looking after your skin. It’s just so important to be kind to your skin using natural skincare products that can bring out the best in your appearance. By looking after the way you look, it’s going to help you to feel better about your looks too.


  1. Make Positive Changes


From here, you’ll also want to work on the things in your life that are bothering you – to make them better. From your jowls and ageing concerns to how you spend your free time. What can you do to make a positive change to your lifestyle, so you get closer to your goals in the not-so-distant future?


  1. Create A Social Life You Love


And how is your life looking socially? Do you have a social life that you love? Are you busy doing activities that add to your quality of life? Or do you need to change that? Make time for friends, join new groups, and prioritise your interactions with others if you really want to create a life you love.


  1. Do Things Your Way


And finally, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re doing things for yourself, your way. You don’t have to fit the mould. You don’t have to be the same as everyone in your neighbourhood or that you know. You can break the mould and do things your own way, if that’s what really matters. When you start to do things differently, in ways that you feel are perfect for you, you’ll be happy. Because that’s the beauty of designing a life you love, it’s allows you to be happy.


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