How I Get The Kids Ready For School, Fast!

Every parent can relate to the military precision needed to master the morning routine. When it works perfectly, it’s a thing of beauty! The kids are up on time, they’re out the door quickly, and they’re even wearing matching socks. These are the good days.


When it goes wrong, it’s a train wreck. A complete disaster. The alarm goes off late, the kids can’t find their shoes, and you’re throwing them in the car half dressed. The trick to being a parent is mastering more good days than bad. We’ve gotten it down to a fine art over the years. Here’s how I get the kids ready for school. Fast.


Early nights, early mornings – If you’re just five minutes late waking up, the whole morning is ruined. Those five minutes are crucial! So, I can no longer afford to hit the snooze button over and over again. It’s just not worth the ensuing family craziness. I set a sensible bedtime and get up at a regular 6:30 am. That gives me enough time to wake up, make a coffee, and prepare for the craziness.


Pack the bags the night before – A fellow parent taught me this trick and it changed my life. Now, I make sure the kids’ backpacks are packed and ready the night before. I make the packed lunches, and line them up ready. I make sure all their shoes are in the right place (why is it always the shoes that go missing?) Finally, I make sure they lay out their clothes the night before too.


Stick to the schedule! – After a few years of the same routine, you start to master it. You start to take pride in the brilliant efficiency. But, it only takes one wrong move and the dominos all start to fall down. You’ve got to set a schedule that you and the kids understand and stick to it ruthlessly. I know some parents who print out the schedule and stick it on the fridge. They assign duties and delegate morning tasks to the kids each day. It works well if you stick to it.


Keep breakfast simple – It’s crucial that you make a simple breakfast for you and the kids. Some families skip breakfast to save time, but I really don’t recommend it. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It kicks start your body and it’s actually quite unhealthy to miss it. I’m working to keep my children healthy this year, so I never miss that important first meal. It doesn’t take long to make a quick bowl of cereal. Alternatively, a simple slice of toast or an apple on the way to school is an easy way to get them going.


Teamwork – Finally, the only reason this all runs smoothly is teamwork! Make sure that you, the kids, and your husband are all on the same team. Work together and help each other out. It’s easy when you all stick to the schedule.


There you have it, folks. That’s how I get the kids out the door fast! What are your top tips? I know we all have our secret techniques, what are yours?

 How I Get The Kids Ready For School, Fast!

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