Hey Mom, Your Child Needs A Dad Too

Being a mom is hard work. Nobody is going to deny it. However, being a mom doesn’t make you a superhero. While social media platforms are filled with tales of super moms who look after their kids while working full-time, it’s important to remember something important: You don’t have to do it alone. 

Society has evolved dramatically since the stories you’ve heard from your Grandma. It’s not only okay for dads to share parenting tasks with you, but you’d be surprised to know that most fathers are eager to be present and help along with the child. 

The truth is that we don’t need a world of super moms anymore. We need super parents who can work together and respectfully for the sake of their child. 


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Your relationship has failed, but not theirs

Not all parents stay together. But just because your relationship with your former partner has failed, it doesn’t mean you should deprive them of being a dad to the child. More and more attorneys are specializing in divorced father’s rights for that very reason: Too many moms are trying to take back control and remove the father altogether from the life of their child. In reality, your child will grow up into a more balanced individual if you make sure that both parents have shared custody – there are, of course, exceptions to the rule, such as if the father can’t be trusted. 


He can help you manage the situation

When you stay together, it’s essential to give him the time to bond with the baby. New dads also need and want to be involved. Unfortunately, things can get a little complicated when you are both going through the motions of becoming parents at the same time. It’s difficult to share tasks during the first months as you’re both learning. But dads can get involved in many ways through encouraging you when you’re learning to breastfeed your baby to managing bath time. 


Parenting is a teamwork

Whether you’re staying as a couple or you’re separated, parenting remains a teamwork job. Therefore, you want to make sure you both agree on the things that are okay for your child to do and the things that aren’t. Nobody wants to end up in a situation where one parent says “yes” and the other says “no”. Not only would it be confusing for your child, but it also affects your authority as a parent. 


Moms can be cruel sometimes

Last but not least, moms need to be more accepting. You can’t embrace, on the one hand, all the responsibilities of the super mom who works from home and deprive stay-at-home dads of the same rights. Unfortunately, it’s become standard practice for some mothers to reject the idea that fathers could look after their children in the same way. Ultimately, if you want your child to grow up tolerant and have a world of opportunities, you need to make sure to show them how it’s done. And, what’s wrong about a dad who stays at home to care for his children while you work? 


Let’s make 2020 the year of gender equality for parents. There’s no need anymore to separate the roles of moms and dads. Both parents need to work together and support each other to help their child grow happy and healthy.

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