Head Off Those Migraine Pains

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Migraines are known for causing intense head pain, but sufferers often experience a range of other symptoms too. Nausea, dizziness, and sensitivity to bright lights are just some of the feelings chronic migraine sufferers experience on a regular basis.

Being able to head off migraine pains can prevent days of discomfort and enhance your quality of life. If you experience migraines and you want to learn how to prevent them, take a look at these top tips now:

  1. Identify the cause

People experience migraines for various different reasons, so finding the root cause of your headaches might involve some trial and error. Keeping a lifestyle diary and writing down what you consume, what activities you do, and what stressors you’re experiencing can be a great place to start. When you look back, you may be able to see that there’s a clear link between your migraine headaches and the food you eat, the activity you’re doing, or the stress you’re under.

  1. Have your hearing checked

There have been numerous studies into migraine headaches and many researchers have concluded that there is a link between migraines and hearing loss. A hearing evaluation is a quick and painless way to determine whether your hearing function could be contributing to or causing your migraines. If so, obtaining treatment or using hearing aids could enhance your hearing function and rid you of migraines.

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  1. Practice relaxation exercises

If you experience migraines regularly, you’ll know the tell-tale signs when one is setting in. Of course, knowing you’re going to be in pain and trying to reschedule your upcoming plans is bound to set off your stress response. Unfortunately, this increased tension can exacerbate a migraine and worsen your symptoms. With relaxation exercises, you can overcome this stress response and even minimize the impact of your migraine.

  1. Improve the quality of your sleep

If you have poor sleeping habits, you may be more likely to experience migraines and other serious health issues. As well as getting enough sleep every night, it’s important to get good quality sleep. Investing in a new mattress, using blackout blinds to block external light, and removing screens from your bedroom can help to improve your sleep quality. Similarly, reading a book or having a bath before going to bed can help to relax and drift off.

  1. Eat regularly

If you often go for long periods of time without eating, this can increase the risk of headaches. When your blood sugar drops or spikes, you’re likely to feel unwell too. By overhauling your diet and eating regularly, you could reduce the frequency of your migraines or alleviate them altogether.

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Combating Migraine Headaches

If you develop a migraine headache, it’s important to consult a physician, particularly if you’ve never had a migraine before or if the pain is different or worse than usual. Once your migraines have been diagnosed by a medical professional, you’ll be able to access a range of treatment options that can help to keep them at bay. By making changes to your lifestyle, however, you can manage your symptoms, reduce the risk of developing a migraine, and take control of your health.



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