Has The End Of Brangelina Made You Consider Divorce?




Earlier this week, the world was gripped as some shocking news unfolded in the news. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were filing for divorce after being together for ten years. Many people were totally shocked by this news because the couple had seemed to be one of Hollywood’s perfect couples. But it seems like love isn’t always meant to last.


Has Brad and Angelina’s break up made you reconsider your marriage? When a couple who seem like the perfect match call it a day, it often has shockwaves on the rest of us. But before you get on the phone to Barbara May Law for your divorce, here are some important questions. They can help you decide whether you are truly ready to end your relationship.




Do You Still Have Feelings For Your Partner?


This is a big question to ask yourself. Many couples still have strong feelings for one another. However, for various reasons, they could be finding their marriage a strain. There are many strains that can have an effect on a marriage. For instance, maybe your partner works away a lot of the time. Or you are currently going through a period of no intimacy which you are finding hard to deal with. However, if you both have feelings for each other, it could be worth working on your marriage. One of the best ways is to start sessions with a marriage counselor. They can help you work through your problems and return to the marriage you once had.




Have You Considered How You Are Acting?


What is the role that you have recently been playing in your relationship? Often, it is very easy to project onto our partner and blame them for our problems. If you think that this is what you have been doing, it might be worth taking a step back and seeing how you can improve. Try and stop being provocative and doing things that wind your partner up. Using his reactions as a reason to divorce isn’t fair on him. Once you assess your own behavior and take action, you may find that your marriage starts to improve.


Why Do You Want The Divorce


The sole reason for wanting a divorce should be to end a marriage. If you have any other agenda for the divorce, then there is a chance that you aren’t truly ready to end the relationship. One of the worst things you can do is use a divorce as a threat. This can end up being taken too far, and you might find yourself in a scenario that you never really wanted. Instead of trying to fix a marital problem by threatening a divorce, talk to your partner and try to work through your issues together.




Have You Talked Openly About Sex?


For many couples, sex can be a big issue and often leads to divorce. But rather than letting this ruin your marriage, it is important to be brave and discuss sexual difficulties with your partner. Think about what is good and what is problematic in your sex life. This can help you improve things.


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