Granny’s One Hour Solution

Cleaning Supplies for Spring CleaningImage by Chiot’s Run via FlickrI thought I’d post something useful today, as I have no major projects going, though I am working on a gift for my mother *yay*

Granny’s One Hour Solution (Or the secret to being better organized)
By Jackie Carson

If you can find just one hour in your busy schedule – even if an hour seems like a drop in the bucket – give that hour to the garden. The evening before, find the gardening tools and gloves, and the weed bucket. The evening before set out your old clothes and a hat.

The next day, dressed and armed for combat, tackle the most noticeable flower bed. Don’t think of the enormity of the mess, just work diligently in that little corner. After one hour quit work.

As your hour begins the next day, look critically at the previous day’s work. Spending only a few minutes removing the weeds which eluded you the day before move on to new territory. Again, stop work after one hour. Within the next few days, if you keep up the routine, you’ll see a big difference, depending on the size and complexity of the garden.

The ONE HOUR SOLUTION May be used for all kinds of jobs, especially those easy to put off.

Workroom area a mess? Try counting each item as you return it to the correct place. See if you can tidy the whole area before reaching 100. Then use the shop vac and duster to complete the job.

Several projects half finished? Pick one, see that you have everything needed to complete it and spend your hour getting on with it. Some projects may be closer to completion than you remembered.

Filling your freezer with baking for a special occasion? Set out recipes, bowls, ingredients, and baking dishes ahead of time so that everything is at hand.

Mending piled up? Collect the mending basket, the holey clothes, and turn on the T.V. That way you’ve got company!

Car to clean? Find the tools and one precious hour.

Garage to clean? Ditto….


  1. Hi Angelmira,
    I thought this was such great common sense, something my grandma would have told me. Now to tackle the very messy study. 8^)

  2. Aye, I have quite a few things waiting for this to be applied to! 🙂

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