Going Green From Your Home Office

When you work at home, you might make the assumption that you aren’t having much of an impact on the globe – the truth is, however, that you could probably be doing more to help combat climate change. Many larger companies have implemented a CDP score system, where that can measure their climate change impact.


But what can you do with your home office?

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Something we should all be aiming to do is replace older technology, which tends to use more energy and not usually all that effectively. Regardless of your available budget, you should be aiming to invest in some energy-saving products. Solar panels and LED low energy use bulbs are a great place to start. Upgrading your computer or laptop is also a really good idea. The newer the technology, the less energy they tend to use.


Green Clean

Green cleaning products in your office space (and home) might seem like it isn’t a big enough of an impact – but actually, you’d be wrong. Everything from air freshener, hand soap and detergents have a heap of chemicals in. They are harmful to the environment and aren’t great for you either. While in a perfect world you’d have the time (and inclination) to make your own, we don’t live in an ideal world. Check out your local supermarkets, or online sellers for organic and globe friendly products.


Recycling Religiously

While it might be tempting to print reams of documents out, you probably don’t really need to. And, if you are, make sure that when you aren’t keeping or filing away, you put it in the recycling. Business and homeowners go through a massive 6,800 sheets of paper a year – most of which is hitting the regular trash can, not the recycling bins. Purchase yourself some separate bins for plastics, papers, others, glass and try and keep your waste as low as possible.



While you might be tempted to put your computer in sleep mode, rather than turn it off – don’t. Leaving a computer on overnight, over the space of a year, will create enough C02 to fill a double-decker bus. Which isn’t insignificant! Whenever you aren’t using your computer for more than a few hours, turn it off. Stand-by and sleep are huge energy wasters.


Paint it Light

If your home office isn’t white, then you might like to consider making this change. The white walls bounce light around the room, meaning that you don’t need to have lights on for most of the day – saving money and electricity.


Make a Call

Call your energy providers and see what kind of options you have in terms of the type of energy you are using. Many suppliers now offer greener alternatives, and the prices aren’t bad either.


When it comes to switching to a greener way of working, it won’t happen overnight so take your time, do some research and be prepared to make a couple of investments to improve your carbon footprint.


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