Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer

Summer seems like a million miles away, doesn’t it? Christmas has only just been and gone, and the weather is nowhere near starting to pick up. Even when it does, surely there’s the whole of springtime to think about things like gardens and outdoor decor?


Well, to an extent this is true. You’ll do most of the hard work in your garden in the spring. But, you’ll also want to start using it more as soon as the sun comes out. Especially if you’ve got kids, they’ll want to be making the most of playing outside as soon as they can. This becomes difficult if you’ve got garden regeneration plans in motion and everything is a bit of a mess, or even if you’ve still to clear up and get things tidy after winter. That’s why it’s a great idea to start thinking about your garden much earlier than you might expect. You can do some basics now, and other jobs that need a little sun can at least be organized ahead of time, maximizing how much use you’ll be able to get from your garden when the sunshine does finally break through.



Tidy Up


Most of us are guilty of closing the door to our gardens and ignoring them completely over the colder months and then expecting them to look great as soon as we want them to. They don’t. Chances are if you look out of your window now, there’s a mess.


If you’ve got any fruit trees, they’ll be dead fruit all over your lawn. There’ll be leaves from the fall. There might be other rubbish and old toys strewn around. Your Christmas tree might still be laying on your lawn, waiting to be disposed of. Get out there now and do a basic tidy up. It’s a fantastic place to start, and you can do it as long as the weather is dry.


Trim Back


If you’ve got large trees and shrubs, you might find that they quickly become overgrown. Taking over your own garden and even overhanging next door. This is actually the easiest time to deal with these issues, while there are fewer leaves to get in your way. Contact a tree service if you’ve got a large tree that needs work, but you should be fine cutting shrubs and plants back yourself with some garden shears.


Plan Lawn Care



Winter can be very damaging to a lawn, especially if it’s been frosty. You won’t want to tackle jobs like reseeding or even laying new turf until after the frosts have passed. But, late winter to early spring is the best time, while there’s still a chance of rain to water them in. Get out there and asses the damage. Do you need to relay, or just treat your grass and remove the weeds? Put a lawn care plan in place for the coming weeks.


Move Vulnerable Plants


It might seem too late to worry about moving and protecting plants now. But, it might not be. If any of yours are looking a little worse for wear, there might still be time to save them. Move them to a sheltered area, away from winds and frost, or even into your home to give them a chance to survive the season.


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