Getting a Good Night’s Sleep This Winter

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We spend a lot of our life in bed, yet it’s not just to sleep – for many people their bed is the place they unwind by watching TV or Netflix, read a book, and be intimate with their partner.  In this sense, your bedroom is a precious space that should be a haven of rest and relaxation.


In this article, we’re going to look at some of the ways you can ensure you get a good night’s sleep this winter, as with the cold weather coming, it’s important to prepare ourselves to ensure we continue to get the optimum amount of sleep required for us to perform at our best.



Just like how phones and laptops need charging, so do you, and in this sense your bed is your charging port.  


The most important aspect of your bed is that it provides the comfort your body desires, in the sense that if you are uncomfortable you are not going to get a restful night’s sleep – because you will be tossing and turning.


Even though it might be cold outside, if you have the central heating on, there’s a strong chance you are going to get too hot in bed unless you have sheets that stay cool, which is important as it’s never a nice experience to wake up with wet sheets, particularly if you’re sharing a bed with someone.


That said, it’s also important your body temperature remains warm, as we lose heat when we sleep which is why it’s important to have covers over you.  In this sense, the best way to go about organised your bed is to ensure there are plenty of layers which you can add and subtract as you wish.



Having warm ambient lighting within your bedroom can be important to creating an intimate and relaxing atmosphere that’s conducive to winding down and drifting off to sleep.  


If you have spotlights in your bedroom these can be great for waking hours, but as you’re wanting to rest, the last thing you want are bright lights beaming down on you.  In this sense, having some string lights, candles or even a himalayan salt lamp.


The other aspect, is to ensure your room has an adequate amount of darkness.  In this sense, you want to ensure your bedroom is kept in as much darkness as possible, so investing in some blackout curtains can prove useful if you live on a busy street with road lights outside your house.



Even though winter brings with it crisp, cold air, that can be bad for you to sleep with, if you have a draft on your back – and if it’s particularly cold it can lead to you waking up with a sore throat… but, ensuring your bedroom still has a supply of fresh air is important to ensuring a good night’s sleep, because if you sleep without this, or are in a hot and stuffy room due to the central heating, you’ll likely wake up feeling groggy and congested in terms of your sinuses which can lead to headaches.


The nice things with heritage homes, however, is that they are naturally drafty which means you don’t need to sleep with the windows open to ensure a supply of fresh air.


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