THE BIG FAT BOOK OF WEIGHT LOSS (The Big Fat Series) [Kindle Edition]

Product Description

The Big Fat Book of Weight Loss

By Hugh Jass

Foreword by the world-renowned expert in obesity, Dr. Ima Grossman of The Well Street Clinic, New York.

I’d like to start by saying the name of my book could be deemed to be somewhat misleading. I have actually made the book as compact as possible. The book’s core message should be read regularly, so the message becomes embedded your subconscious.

The ultimate answer to weight loss came to me in a vivid dream one October night in 2011. It’s a simple message, but a message if taken heed of, will guarantee you permanent freedom from the tyranny of obesity.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are genuinely looking to lose weight, and you have a genuine sense of humor, this easy to digest book is all you need. If you don’t have a sense of humor, you might be interested in my forthcoming book: The Big Fat Book of How to Acquire a Sense of Humor….

Author’s Website:


“The author spells out simply and clearly how you can lose weight. Refreshingly free of pseudo-scientific proclamations and trendy theories, The Big Fat Book of Weight Loss is a must read book for anyone looking for a foolproof method of weight reduction.”

D. E. Luder – The Stuffington Gazette

“What a book! I can honestly say that The Big Fat Book of Weight Loss has changed my life. I’m no longer addicted to dieting; I’m no longer a slave to the slimming industry. This amazing book has shown me the way to thinness.”

Belinda Bluffield –The Independent Dieter Magazine

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