Everything You Need To Do To Keep Your Home Running This Winter

Houses don’t just run themselves, and that means if you want to live comfortably this winter, you will have to pitch in. Fortunately, you can find a list of the most essential tasks to complete before the weather gets dreadful, below. 


Make sure your heating works 


No one wants to spend winter freezing in their own home. That is why it’s vital that you take the time to bleed your radiators with the keys provided. Otherwise, they may not function as efficiently as you would like. The same goes for cleaning heat vents and HVAC machines. 


Also, if your home heating runs on a hot water system, it’s vital that you get it serviced ahead of time. After all, you don’t want your heating to give out on you, once the snow is on the ground. 


Of course, some people rely on other types of fuel to heat their home over the colder months. If this is the case for you, it is imperative that you have a stock of this fuel that will last you through the winter. However, it is equally as important to make sure that this stock is stored safely. The reason being that fuel burned for heat tends to be pretty combustible, and therefore it is always best stored a safe distance away from the house. 


Block drafts 


Another vital task that needs to be completed before the colder weather rolls in is to check your home for drafts and make sure they are blocked up. Prime places that drafts tend to occur include around window and door frames. 


Doors are best sorted by adding draft excluders to the bottom, something that will ensure as much of that valuable hot air is kept inside as possible. Windows, on the other hand, can usually be fixed by adding sealant to the area where the cold air is entering your home. 


Of course, as you are already working on the windows, it’s smart to give them a good clean inside and out before the bad weather begins. Although if you don’t fancy doing this task yourself, you can pay a professional window cleaning service to come and do it for you. Something that means you won’t have to brave the cold!


Defrost and clean your freezer 


You may be wondering why you need to defrost and clean your freezer when it’s freezing outside? Well, it’s for two crucial reasons. The first is that it is a smart idea to stock up on food, in case you get caught in a situation where heading out to the store is impossible. Usually, this would be because of snow or ice, although Coronavirus may be the thing that gets in our way the most this year. 


Secondly, don’t forget that wintertime is choked full of all sorts of celebrations, and with those comes the chance to indulge in culinary delights. Of course, that means you will want a clean, clear freezer so you can fit as much in as possible. 




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