Enjoy Your Garden Even In The Winter

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If you’re like most people who live in a climate with cold winters, then you may think that your garden pretty much becomes off limits until the warmer weather starts to roll back around. Whilst you’re certainly not going to be out in the garden sunbathing during winter, there are plenty of ways you can still enjoy your garden in ways that are completely appropriate for the colder season.


So, below are some of our top tips for helping you make the most of your garden during the winter.


Take care of the wildlife:


Feeding and caring for the birds and wildlife that visit your garden is an enjoyable and rewarding experience all year round, but can be an especially pretty sight during the winter, and is especially good for them since their natural food supplies may be less abundant than usual.


Take a trip to the local pet store and get some bird feeder, a water bath, and some seeds and nuts that they can enjoy when paying a visit to your garden.


Play in the snow:


This is an especially fun thing to do for the whole family, so as long as you’re all wrapped up warm, you can get out and build snowmen, have a snowball fight, or make snow angels. Playing in the snow is not only fun, a great way to get fresh air and exercise that doesn’t even cost anything.


What’s especially great about this is, after you’ve been out in the cold, you can all have something to warm up like hot chocolate or pumpkin soup and you’ll appreciate your house so much more.


Get some nice lighting:


Whilst you probably don’t want to be known as the neighbor with the tacky Christmas light display, you can easily add some warmth through some nice seasonal lanterns and fairy lights that make your garden look more cosy even if you’re just looking from the inside.


Get a hot tub:


Getting a hot tub these days isn’t anywhere near as expensive or unusual as it once was, and it can actually be the perfect way to enjoy your garden in the winter as the contrast between the hot and cold is a very nice feeling.


You can find very affordable hot tubs in all sizes pretty much anywhere online, and you even get inflatable ones if you prefer, which are nowhere near as ridiculous as they may sound. Just make sure you get some professional advice before installing any hot tub, and also ensure that if you’re going to be putting it on decking that you choose a hot tub light enough for decks to avoid it being too heavy and falling through.


Play football:


Again, this is a very simple, cost-free and enjoyable activity that you can do with the kids. The exercise will keep you healthy, as will the fresh air, and running around, you won’t feel so cold as you would if you were just sitting outside.


Get outdoor heaters:


Just like we have indoor heating, there’s also the option to have it outdoors. Outdoor heating comes in many different varieties so you can find something that suits your garden and is environmentally friendly at the same time.


Many outdoor heaters are quite affordable, and they can make it far more pleasant if you want to enjoy a coffee or drink and some fresh air in the garden without being cold.


Sharpen your photography skills:


Every season comes with it own range of natural beauty that is displayed through nature. So, whether using your phone or a professional camera, why not capture some of that beauty that you can appreciate through pictures? You never know what you might end up with as a result.


Have a Christmas treasure hunt:


This will be something children will greatly enjoy, and you can even invite other kids from the neighborhood around to enjoy a fun and seasonal treasure hunt in the garden where they can look for toys, treats, games, or whatever else you want to include in the treasure hunt for them. Many people think that treasure hunts are something that can only be enjoyed during the summer or warmer seasons, but you can do this anytime of year and make it seasonal.


Put on a firework display:


This is obviously something you should only do if you have permission to, and if you’re taking all the correct safety precautions because, as you know, fireworks can be unpredictable, and are extremely dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.


However, if you feel comfortable with them, then a firework display is definitely a fun way to enjoy the garden and even invite the neighbors round to share in the fun.


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