Dog-Proofing Your Home

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If you are getting a dog, one thing you need to do is dog-proof your home. Think about it: before a baby arrives, the expecting parents childproof their home. This is even more so the case when the little one starts to crawl and walk. They know that their belongings could be destroyed in an instant. Plus, they don’t want their home to cause any harm to their child. Well, the same applies to a dog. You wouldn’t want your dog to swallow an object to suffer poisoning due to your home, nor do you want your house to be wrecked in the process either. So, with that in mind, read on to discover some of the steps you should take to dog-proof your home.

Get a crate for when you are not there – It is always a good idea to invest in a crate. Your dog can stay in the crate whenever you have to pop out for a few hours. This will ensure you do not get home to your carpet being clawed up and your sofas completely destroyed.

Know the warning signs to look out for – It is also important to educate yourself in an effort to dog-proof your home. After all, the sooner you pick up on any problems your dog has, the sooner you can get them back to full health while ensuring your home does not suffer the consequences of a dog who is irritated – this could be anything from a house covered in sick to your furniture being scratched to pieces. When a dog is unwell, they can often act erratically. VetIQ reveals more about the noticeable signs to look out for, and you can find plenty of information on pet health and wellness that should help you along the way.

Get rid of clutter – Now is the perfect time to de-clutter your home. Why? Well, dogs love clutter. They see it as the perfect opportunity to chew things. This could be anything from your designer shows to a bottle of kitchen cleaner! The effects of this could be disastrous. Don’t give dogs access to your stuff. They are smart creatures. You need to ensure that everything has its own place and is put away somewhere that cannot be seen. And, by having its own place, we don’t mean simply shoving things in the corner of a room. De-cluttering now will not only ensure your house is dog proofed, but it will breathe new life into your property altogether. After all, getting rid of clutter makes a house feel bigger, and it will make you feel more relaxed too. It is a win-win situation!

Close the doors – This is a simple tip, but one that is very effective. If you limit your dog’s access to certain rooms, you will find that they are much easier to manage. You don’t run the risk of walking into your bedroom and finding pee on the bed – that’s never a nice surprise, especially when you don’t find until you try to get into bed!

Change your bin – Now is the perfect time to invest in a more expensive (most likely) bin for your household. Pull out trash cans are the most effective solution. You need an under-counter space in your home to install one of these bins, and so they are not an option for everyone, but if you have the capacity for a bin like this, it is definitely something to consider. After all, most dogs love nothing more than rooting around the rubbish to try and find delicious treats, be it taste food wrappers or a pizza crust. This can result in some nasty consequences. Not only will you have horrible rubbish littered all over your kitchen, but also you could end up with your dog experiencing diarrhoea, or even worse, they could suffer from an intestinal blockage.

Baby-proof the house – As mentioned in the introduction, before the arrival of a newborn, the expectant parents will baby-proof the house. This is something you need to do before the arrival of your new dog. There are a number of steps you can take to ensure that your home is much more dog friendly. This includes buying a containment system for your electrical cords, buying safety locks for your cabinets in your bathroom and kitchen, as well as buying power strip covers, covers for electrical outlets, and baby gates that will limit access to the rooms that you use frequently.

Consider your garden too – You not only need to dog-proof your house, but you need to dog-proof your garden too. There are a number of steps you can take to do this. Firstly, it is a good idea to choose plants that are non-toxic. Luckily, most dogs will not eat plants, however, it is important to know which can be dangerous if swallowed. This includes the likes of cyclamen, bluebells and rhododendron. You should also look out for any hazards that can be dangerous for pets, for example, antifreeze, fertilisers, slug pellets, insecticides, and paint. You also need to ensure your dog is kept out of the way when you are using hedge trimmers, a strimmer, or a lawnmower.

If you follow the steps that have been presented above, you can make sure your home is dog proofed and ready for your new family arrival. Yes, this is going to require a bit of effort on your behalf, but it is all going to be worth it when your new pet is protected, and your home is too.


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