Creativity Beats Stress Any Time

Stress is a silent beast that grows slowly to take over your happiness, your sanity, and your health. Being overwhelmed by stress is not just a matter of feeling a little nervous. It can have dramatic consequences. Stress is, ultimately, one of the first causes of death in modern societies. In other words, whether you’re worried about money troubles, families relationships, or simply an untidy house, it’s time to look into your problems and try to find the most suitable solutions. In the long term, it’s by far the best approach to reduce your stress levels. However, you still need something to help you relieve stress until you can achieve your goal – being financial stability or a clean home. You may be thinking of sports or therapy, but in reality, creativity is the best remedy against stress!


Sing your anxiety out

Singing your thoughts can help you to express them without carrying the heavy emotional meaning that hides behind. In fast, that precisely what Songify, a smart little app, does. It turns your words into a song, auto-tuned it and set it to a piece of music. While it may sound mad, why psychology experts rely on the app to help patients relieve their stress. If you want to be in charge of the song, you could create your own lyrics and get in touch with Nationwide, a sound master expert, to create a more personalized version of your song. You’d be surprised by the positive results. You’ll find it a lot easier to think clearly, especially once that the ball of stress is shrinking -. But who knows? You might even find that your song appeals to others and help them go through a difficult situation in their life too.

Songs relieve stress


Draw it out

If you prefer images over sound as a way to express your stress, you will love the idea of a sketchbook. Drawing, regardless of your skills, is a positive activity that encourages relaxation and promotes happiness. Indeed, it helps you to reconnect with the playfulness of your childhood, at a time where all you needed what a dash of color to create a magical dragon. Does it have to be perfect? Of course not, the more you draw, the better you’ll get. But ultimately, you’ll rapidly notice an improvement in your drawing abilities, and you’ll find yourself able to give life to complex worlds with nothing else than a pencil. It’s an escape from the reality.


Sew beautiful dresses and kill the stress

What if you’re more a crafter than an artist? You could embrace an exciting craft hobby, such as sewing to tap into the creative side of your brain and create beauty around you. According to clinical studies, a stitch a day can help to keep the stress at bay. Indeed, sewing can lead to mental relaxation as well as an improve blood pressure. In other words, it helps you to recenter your energy – assuming you don’t bite off more than you can chew – and combat stress actively.

A stitch a day


In short, you should embrace your creative side. It’s not only fun, but it’s also an excellent approach to manage your stress levels effectively. Don’t stress; create instead!


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