Clear Out: Getting Rid Of Your Stuff

There comes a time for a lot of people when they realize that they have too much stuff. Over the course of a decade or two, your home will fill to the brim with items which rarely get used, along with loads of keepsakes which simply can’t be removed. Of course, though, there is only so much space, and most people can’t live like this for long. Instead, you will want to start clearing out. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring a good process for this, along with the lessons you can learn for the future.

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The Sorting


Sorting out of all of the things in your home could be a very long job. There will be two stages to this, and they will both involve a lot of moving things around. For items which you know you will want to keep, you can simply leave them out. For others, though, it will be worth thinking long and hard about how you use them before choosing what to do with it. The first stage of this process will require three piles.



  • The Keep Pile: Some items will simply be too important to get rid of, and you might use them often enough to warrant a place in the keep pile. This area should be kept well away from everything else, as it can be easy to accidentally get rid of things which are in the wrong place. A lot of people will fill this pile the fastest.




  • The Discard Pile: Broken or damaged goods, things which are very old, and items with no value can all be thrown into the discard pile. This will all end up in someone else’s hands, making it easy to get rid of big objects without having to do the work. It’s worth separating this pile into two further piles.




  • The Landfill: The worst of the bunch will simply have to go to a landfill site. This means that it won’t have anything happen to it for a long time, but you won’t have to deal with it anymore.




  • The Recycling: Items which are made from metal, glass, plastic, and paper could all have the chance to be recycled. Using this to your advantage will limit the amount of waste all in one bin. Along with this, it’s worth doing your bit before the end of the event.




  • The Sell Pile: There could be money hidden around in your clutter. When you have rooms filled with items, it can be hard to know what might have some value, and this will mean doing careful separation work. This pile will be the most time consuming, as it could be hard to sell the items you get rid of, but will be rewarding when you make some money.



This process could be very hard for some people, especially when there is a large emotional attachment to the things in the home. Once they are gone, though, most people won’t stop to think about their old things. This makes it nice and easy to forget about the items which you’re throwing away.


The Disposal


The possessions which will be going into the discard pile will have to be taken care of in the right way. Your normal bin won’t fit all of this into it, and this means that it could be worth getting some help along the way. Companies like Shamrock Environmental are dedicated to looking after the world while they get rid of your unwanted goods. In some cases, people along the line will try to make money from your bag.


The Future Discipline


Finally, as the last are to consider, the future won’t be secure with a simple clear out. Over the next few years, it could be easy to make all of this effort worthless, and most people will want to avoid a turn like this. To achieve this goal, you will need to create some rules, along with disciplining yourself when things go wrong. One of the biggest rules to follow will be simply avoiding buying things. Of course, though, this will only get you so far, and a lot of people will want to do more with their future of decluttering.


With all of this in mind, your spring clean will be much more dramatic than it usually is. With change like this, you could see your home much tidier, and it won’t cost much in the process. Of course, though, you will need people to help you, and you may have to stomach things which you don’t like.

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